Can you imagine that I have to pay 7.500 $ that all of my Facebook
Folowers can see this post!! For everybody who don´t know what I´m talking about.. from now on facebook limited the range of receivers of postings! It means if you want that all your followers gets your posts you have to pay! Now that I have over 1.000.000 Followers it´s the fair price of 750 - 8.000 Dollars for me!!! It´s really bad to know, that if I´m not pay just 5 - 15 percent of my followers get this post! I think thats the beginning of the end of Facebook! And I call it censorship! What is a social network, when not everybody is connected with each other even they follow each other!?!?
If you don´t believe me, google it! I´m really sad about that! Sorry that the screenshot is in German.

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