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Полная Версия: Syntax error unexpected t_protected
Помогите исправить ошибку:unexpected. t_protected
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This overwrites the parent function to get the cells in reverse order when using right_on_top collapse mode.
* @param $cells The cells to modify
* @param $row The row the cells belong to
* @return mixed
protected function modify_row_cells( $cells, $row ){
if( ! empty( $row['style']['collapse_order'] ) && $row['style']['collapse_order'] == 'right-top') {
$cells = array_reverse( $cells, true );

return $cells;


public function front_css_url(){
return siteorigin_panels_url( 'css/front' . ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'legacy-layout' ) ? '-legacy' : '' ) . '.css' );
1.Ведь код класса.
2.Код оберните в теги.
3.Переводить сами текст ошибки пробовали?unexpected-это неожиданный,непредвиденный,внезапный.t_protected - Читаем
Что это значит ,я перевела )а вот как исправить -не очень,если можно-поподробней)Спасибо!
Проблема, скорее всего, где-то выше. Может не закрыта фигурная скобка...

Чатик в телеге
Цитата (Elena1212 @ 14.02.2019 - 00:36)
если можно-поподробней)Спасибо!

Весь код класса нужен для этого

*This overwrites the parent function to get the cells in reverse order when using
* right_on_top collapse mode.
@param $cells The cells to modify
@param $row The row the cells belong to
@return mixed

protected function modify_row_cells( $cells, $row ){
if( ! empty( $row['style']['collapse_order'] ) && $row['style']['collapse_order'] == 'right-top') {
$cells = array_reverse( $cells, true );

return $cells;

public function front_css_url(){
return siteorigin_panels_url( 'css/front' . ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'legacy-layout' ) ? '-legacy' : '' ) . '.css' );

This overwrites the parent function to get the cells in reverse order when using right_on_top collapse mode.


//This overwrites the parent function to get the cells in reverse order when using right_on_top collapse mode.

HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS(JQuery, ExtJS), PHP, MySQL, MSSql, Posgres, (TSql, BI OLAP, MDX), Mongo, Git, SVN, CodeIgnater, Symfony, Yii 2, JiRA, Redmine, Bitbucket, Composer, Rabbit MQ, Amazon (SQS, S3, Transcribe), Docker

SiteOrigin_Panels_Renderer_Legacy extends SiteOrigin_Panels_Renderer {

public static function single() {
static $single;
return empty( $single ) ? $single = new self() : $single;

* Generate the CSS for the page layout.
@param $post_id
@param $panels_data
@param $layout_data
@return string

public function generate_css( $post_id, $panels_data = false, $layout_data = false) {
// Exit if we don't have panels data
if ( empty( $panels_data ) ) {
$panels_data = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'panels_data', true );
if( empty( $panels_data ) ) {
return '';

if ( empty( $layout_data ) ) {
$layout_data = $this->get_panels_layout_data( $panels_data );
$layout_data = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_layout_data', $layout_data, $post_id );

// Get some of the default settings
$settings = siteorigin_panels_setting();
$panels_tablet_width = $settings['tablet-width'];
$panels_mobile_width = $settings['mobile-width'];
$panels_margin_bottom = $settings['margin-bottom'];
$panels_margin_bottom_last_row = $settings['margin-bottom-last-row'];

$css = new SiteOrigin_Panels_Css_Builder();

$ci = 0;
foreach ( $layout_data as $ri => $row ) {
if( empty( $row['cells'] ) ) continue;

// Let other themes and plugins change the gutter.
$gutter = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_css_row_gutter', $settings['margin-sides'] . 'px', $row, $ri, $panels_data );
preg_match( '/([0-9\.,]+)(.*)/', $gutter, $gutter_parts );

$cell_count = count( $row['cells'] );

// Add the cell sizing
foreach( $row['cells'] as $ci => $cell ) {
$weight = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_css_cell_weight', $cell['weight'], $row, $ri, $cell, $ci - 1, $panels_data, $post_id );

// Add the width and ensure we have correct formatting for CSS.
$css->add_cell_css( $post_id, $ri, $ci, '', array(
'width' => round( $cell['weight'] * ( 100 - ( ($cell_count - 1 ) * 2.6 ) ), 3 ) . '%', // TUT Customization
) );

if( ! empty( $row['style']['collapse_order'] ) && $row['style']['collapse_order'] == 'right-top') {
$css->add_cell_css( $post_id, $ri, false, '', array(
'float' => 'right'
) );
// START - TUT Customization - Remove bottom margin
// if(
// $ri != count( $layout_data ) - 1 ||
// ! empty( $row[ 'style' ][ 'bottom_margin' ] ) ||
// ! empty( $panels_margin_bottom_last_row )
// ) {
// // Filter the bottom margin for this row with the arguments
// $css->add_row_css( $post_id, $ri, '', array(
// 'margin-bottom' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_css_row_margin_bottom', $panels_margin_bottom . 'px', $row, $ri, $panels_data, $post_id )
// ) );
// }
// $margin_half = ( floatval( $gutter_parts[1] ) / 2 ) . $gutter_parts[2];
// $css->add_row_css($post_id, $ri, '', array(
// 'margin-left' => '-' . $margin_half,
// 'margin-right' => '-' . $margin_half,
// ) );
// $css->add_cell_css($post_id, $ri, false, '', array(
// 'padding-left' => $margin_half,
// 'padding-right' => $margin_half,
// ) );
// }
// END - TUT Customization - Remove bottom margin

// START - TUT Customization - Remove bottom margin
// // Add the bottom margins
// $css->add_widget_css( $post_id, false, false, false, '', array(
// 'margin-bottom' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_css_cell_margin_bottom', $panels_margin_bottom . 'px', false, false, $panels_data, $post_id )
// ) );
// $css->add_widget_css( $post_id, false, false, false, ':last-child', array(
// 'margin-bottom' => apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_css_cell_last_margin_bottom', '0px', false, false, $panels_data, $post_id )
// ) );
// END - TUT Customization - Remove bottom margin

// START - TUT Customization - Remove bottom margin
// if ( $settings['responsive'] ) {
// $css->add_cell_css($post_id, false, false, '', array(
// 'float' => 'none',
// 'width' => 'auto'
// ), $panels_mobile_width);
// $css->add_row_css($post_id, false, '', array(
// 'margin-left' => 0,
// 'margin-right' => 0,
// ), $panels_mobile_width);
// $css->add_cell_css( $post_id, false, false, '', array(
// 'padding' => 0,
// ), $panels_mobile_width );
// // Hide empty cells on mobile
// $css->add_row_css( $post_id, false, ' .panel-grid-cell-empty', array(
// 'display' => 'none',
// ), $panels_mobile_width );
// // Hide empty cells on mobile
// $css->add_row_css( $post_id, false, ' .panel-grid-cell-mobile-last', array(
// 'margin-bottom' => '0px',
// ), $panels_mobile_width );
// foreach ( $layout_data as $ri => $row ) {
// $css->add_cell_css( $post_id, $ri, false, '', array(
// 'margin-bottom' => $panels_margin_bottom . 'px',
// ), $panels_mobile_width );
// $css->add_cell_css( $post_id, $ri, false, ':last-child', array(
// 'margin-bottom' => '0px',
// ), $panels_mobile_width );
// }
// }
// END - TUT Customization - Remove responsive design

foreach ( $panels_data['widgets'] as $widget_id => $widget ) {
if ( ! empty( $widget['panels_info']['style']['link_color'] ) ) {
$css->add_widget_css( $post_id, $widget['panels_info']['grid'], $widget['panels_info']['cell'], $widget['panels_info']['cell_index'], ' a', array(
'color' => $widget['panels_info']['style']['link_color']
) );


// Let other plugins and components filter the CSS object.
$css = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_panels_css_object', $css, $panels_data, $post_id, $layout_data );

return $css->get_css();

* This overwrites the parent function to get the cells in reverse order when using right_on_top collapse mode.
@param $cells The cells to modify
@param $row The row the cells belong to
@return mixed

protected function modify_row_cells( $cells, $row ){
if( ! empty( $row['style']['collapse_order'] ) && $row['style']['collapse_order'] == 'right-top') {
$cells = array_reverse( $cells, true );

return $cells;


public function front_css_url(){
return siteorigin_panels_url( 'css/front' . ( siteorigin_panels_setting( 'legacy-layout' ) ? '-legacy' : '' ) . '.css' );
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