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Полная Версия: Что нужно поправить в скрипте?
Добрый день, есть скрипт формы обратной связи с прикреплением аттачей. Пол года назад тестировал его на бесплатном хостинге, все отлично работало. Сегодня опять его загрузил, но помимо формы вылезло много ошибок, они видны на скриншоте расположенном ниже . Загружал форму на другие хостинги, отображается отлично, но письма не приходят с нее, видимо отключена функция "зенд майл". Скажите можно ли исправить форму чтобы исчезли все ошибки? Просто это единственный бесплатный хостинг где работает функция "зенд майл", а платный хостинг ради одной формы брать не хочется. Вот скриншот ошибок
Картинка с ошибками

user posted image

А это код двух php файлов:

Основной phMailer.php

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="ru" />
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
title>Написать мне письмо</title>
style type="text/css">
style1 {
text-align: center;


table style="width: 800px" cellspacing="1" align="center">
td class="style1">Написать мне письмо<br />
br />
br />
* phphq.Net Custom PHP Scripts *
:- Script Name: phMailer
:- Version: 1.5.1
:- Release Date: Jan 27th 2004
:- Last Update: Jan 25 2010
:- Author: Scott Lucht
<scott@phphq.net> http://www.phphq.net
:- Copyright© 2010 All Rights Reserved
:- This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
:- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
:- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
:- (at your option) any later version.
:- This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
:- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
:- GNU General Public License for more details.
* Description
:- phMailer is a very simple PHP mail script that supports attachments. This is very helpful if you want your
:- visitors to be able to contact you without them knowing your real email address. On great feature of this
:- script is the ability to allow users to attach multiple files when sending an email directly from your site. Of
:- course, you can disable this feature if you wish. Any file type is accepted as long as they are included in your
:- file extension list. Another popular use for a PHP email form is protection against spam bots. Spam, is a major
:- downside of email, and placing your email publicly on your website is asking for spam. Spam bots can take your
:- email address right off your site and add it to thousands of spam databases, resulting in a never ending supply
:- of spam for you. I coded this script, because I couldn't find a simple mail script that would allow my visitors to
:- send me attachments while keeping my email hidden from spam bots.
* Setup
:- To setup this script, simply upload this file to your website. Then edit the variables found herein to adjust
:- how the form works.
* Change log
:- Version 1.0
:- 1) Initial Release
:- Version 1.1
:- 1) Minor
bug fixes / html improvement
:- Version 1.2
:- 1) Added CSS styling
:- 2) Cleaned html and improved form style
:- 3) Removed html embedded directly in php tags
:- 4) Improved security checks to prevent forging email headers
:- Version 1.3
:- 1) Cleaned up html and CSS styles
:- 2) Added support to attach multiple files
:- 3) Minor
bug fixes
:- Version 1.4
:- 1) Re-write of many core functions to improve attachment handling
:- 2) Added feature that allows users to select an email address from a drop down
:- 3) Minor
bug fixes
:- Version 1.5
:- 1) Added multiple new security checks to prevent email header forging.
:- 2) Cleaned up script and reduced PHP needed to complete tasks.
:- 3) Minor
bug fixes
:- Version 1.5.1
:- 1) Cleaned up script and reduced PHP needed to complete tasks.
:- 2) Added text/html as email type to allow users to use line breaks when sending a message. Messages
:- now display correctly in newer email clients such as Gmail.
:- 3) Removed unnecessary email headers and improved standardization
:- 4) Made sure script is completely compatible with PHP 5.3.x
* Frequently Asked Questions
:- Q1: I never receive any mail, but people say they have emailed me through the form.
:- 1) Try the mailtest.php file that came with this script. If that fails, then mail() is probably not setup right.
:- 2) Double check to make sure your email address is correct.
:- 3) Try using the form with $allowattach set to 0. It could be your mail server rejecting the mail
:- because of attachments.
:- 4) If you are on windows, make sure your SMTP is set to your mail server. If you are on Linux, make sure
:- your sendmail path if correct. Again, ask your host if you are unsure about this.

:- Q2: I never receive any attachments.
:- 1) Maybe your server has some security against uploading files or sending attachments through mail,
:- check with your host on this issue. This script does send attachments, it's been tested many
:- times on many different platforms and versions of PHP with safe mode on and off.
:- 2) Maybe the files people are submitting are too big. Check php.ini for the post_max_size,
:- upload_max_filesize, file_uploads, max_execution_time you may have to check with your host on this.
:- Q3: The page takes long to load and then gives me a page cannot be displayed or a blank page.
:- 1) This is usually due to a low value in php.ini for "max_execution_time".
:- 2) A newer ini setting "max_file_uploads" in php 5.2.12 was added which may be limiting the number
of simultaneous uploads.
:- 3) Your "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" in php.ini might be set to low.
:- Q4: How do I edit the colors of the form?
:- 1) You will need to edit the CSS near the bottom of the script to change the looks and colors of the form.
:- Check
http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp for more information on CSS.
:- Q5: Can I add more fields for the users to enter information in?
:- 1) That's the beauty of PHP! It's open source, you can edit it all you want, change whatever you don't like.
:- Just please leave in my copyright. So many times I see my script without it and it makes me sad.
:- Q6: Dude! Can you add more fields for me? I don't know PHP!
:- 1) Maybe, but I do usually charge a fee depending on what you want done. Don't freak out! It's usually
:- a very small one. I can't do everything for free..
:- Q7: Can I remove your copyright link?
:- 1) I can't physically stop you. However, I really appreciate it when people leave it intact.
:- Some people donate $5, $10, $20 to take it off.
:- Q8: You never respond to my emails or to my questions in your forums!
:- 1) I'm a very busy guy. I'm out of town a lot, and at any given time I have several projects going on.
:- I get a lot of emails about this script, not to mention my other ones.
:- 2) I only understand English. If your English is very bad please write in your native language and then
:- translate it to English using
:- 3) If you are going to contact me, describe the issue you are having as completely as possible.
:- "dude me form don't work see it at blah.com what's wrong??!?!" will get no response, ever. Write
:- in detail what the problem is. Spend a minute on it, and maybe I'll take some of my time to reply.
:- Please read the above FAQ before emailing me/

// This will show in the browsers title bar and at the top of the form.

$websitename="Отправка письма";

// Allowed file types. Please remember to keep the format of this array, add the file extensions you want
// WITHOUT the dot. Please also be aware that certain file types (such as exe) may contain malware.

$allowtypes=array("zip", "rar", "txt", "doc", "jpg", "png", "gif", "odt", "xml");

// What's your email address? Seperate email addresses with commas for multiple email addresses.

// What priority should the script send the mail? 1 (Highest), 2 (High), 3 (Normal), 4 (Low), 5 (Lowest).

// Should we allow visitors to attach files? How Many? 0 = Do not allow attachments,
// 1 = allow only 1 file to be attached, 2 = allow two files etc.


// Maximum file size for attachments in KB NOT Bytes for simplicity. MAKE SURE your php.ini can handel it,
// post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, file_uploads, max_execution_time!
// 2048kb = 2MB, 1024kb = 1MB, 512kb = 1/2MB etc..


// Maximum file size for all attachments combined in KB. MAKE SURE your php.ini can handel it,
// post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, file_uploads, max_execution_time!
// 2048kb = 2MB, 1024kb = 1MB, 512kb = 1/2MB etc..


// Value for the Submit Button
$submitvalue=" Отправить ";

// Value for the Reset Button
$resetvalue=" Очистить ";

// Default subject? This will be sent if the user does not type in a subject
$defaultsubject="No Subject";

// Because many requested it, this feature will add a drop down box for the user to select a array of
// subjects that you specify below.
// True = Use this feature, False = do not use this feature


// This is an array of the email subjects the user can pick from. Make sure you keep the format of
// this array or you will get errors.
// Look at <http://novahq.net/forum/showthread.php?t=38718> for examples on how to use this feature.

$subjects=array("Department 1", "Department 2", "Department 3");

// This is an array of the email addresses for the array above. There must be an email FOR EACH
// array value specified above. You can have only 1 department if you want.
// YOU MUST HAVE THE SAME AMMOUNT OF $subjects and $emails or this WILL NOT work correctly!
// The emails also must be in order for what you specify above!
// Seperate email addresses by a comma to send an email to multiple addresses.

$emails=array("dept_1@domain.com", "dept_2@domain.com", "dept_3@domain.com");

// This is the message that is sent after the email has been sent. You can use html here.
// If you want to redirect users to another page on your website use this:
// <script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location=\"http://www.YOUR_URL.com/page.html\";</script>

$thanksmessage="Ваше письмо отправлено! В ближайшее время я отвечу.";

: Don't edit below this line.

// Function to get the extension of the uploaded file.

function get_ext($key) {
$key=strtolower(substr(strrchr($key, "."), 1));
$key=str_replace("jpeg", "jpg", $key);
return $key;

// Function used to attach files to the message
function phattach($file, $name, $boundary) {

$fp=fopen($file, "r");
$str=fread($fp, filesize($file));
$message.="Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"".$name."\"\n";
$message.="Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$name."\"\n";
$message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";

return $message;

//Little bit of security from people forging headers. People are mean sometimes :(
function clean_msg($key) {
$key=str_replace("\r", "", $key);
$key=str_replace("\n", "", $key);
$key=preg_replace($find, "", $key);
return $key;

// Initilize some variables

// When the form is submitted
If($_POST['submit']==true) {
extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);

// Check the form for errors
If(trim($yourname)=="") {
$error.="You did not enter your name!<br />";

If(trim($youremail)=="") {
$error.="You did not enter your email!<br />";
} Elseif(!preg_match("/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,})+$/", $youremail)) {
$error.="Invalid email address.<br />";

If(trim($emailsubject)=="") {

If(trim($yourmessage)=="") {
$error.="You did not enter a message!<br />";

// Verify Attchment info
If($allowattach > 0) {

// Get the total size of all uploaded files
If((array_sum($_FILES['attachment']['size'])) > ($max_file_total*1024)) {

$error.="The max size allowed for all your files is ".$max_file_total."kb<br />";

} Else {

//Loop through each of the files
For($i=0; $i <= $allowattach-1; $i++) {

If($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]) {

//Check if the file type uploaded is a valid file type.
If(!in_array(get_ext($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]), $allowtypes)) {

$error.= "Invalid file type for your file: ".$_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]."<br />";

//Check the size of each file
} Elseif(($_FILES['attachment']['size'][$i]) > ($max_file_size*1024)) {

$error.= "Your file: ".$_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]." is to big.<br />";

} // If in_array

} // If Files

} // For

} // Else array_sum($_FILES['attachment']['size'])

} // If Allowattach

If($error) {


} Else {

If($use_subject_drop AND is_array($subjects) AND is_array($emails)) {

If($subject_count==$email_count) {


} // If $subject_count

} // If $use_subject_drop


$headers="Return-Path: <".clean_msg($youremail).">\n";
$headers.="From: ".clean_msg($yourname)." <".clean_msg($youremail).">\n";
$headers.="X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion()."\n";
$headers.="X-Sender: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n";
$headers.="X-Priority: ".$priority."\n";
$headers.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$boundary."\"\n";
$headers.="This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n";

$message = "--".$boundary."\n";
$message.="Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n";
$message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n";

//Add attachments to message
If($allowattach > 0) {

For($i=0; $i <= $allowattach-1; $i++) {

If($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$i]) {

$message.=phattach($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i], $boundary);

} //If $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]

} //For

} // If

// End the message


// Send the completed message
If(!mail($myemail, clean_msg($emailsubject), $message, $headers)) {

Exit("An error has occured, please report this to the website administrator.\n");

} Else {



// Else

} // $_POST

* Start the form layout
:- Use the html below to customize the form.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
title><?php echo $websitename; ?> - Powered By phMailer</title>

style type="text/css">
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt;
color: #000000;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 11pt;
color: #FF0000;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 11pt;
color: #000000;

color: #000000;
color: #000000;
color: #000000;

.table {
border:1px solid #000000;

border:1px solid #070707;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 11pt;
color: #FFFFFF;

border:1px solid #070707;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
color: #000000;

border:1px solid #070707;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
color: #000000;

border:1px solid #070707;

input,select,textarea {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
color: #000000;
border:1px solid #000000;

.copyright {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
color: #000000;


script type="text/javascript">
var error="";
e_regex = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,})+$/;

function Checkit(theform) {
if(theform.yourname.value=="") {
error+="Заполните поле Твое имя\n";

if(theform.youremail.value=="") {
error+="Заполните поле Твой email\n";
} else if(!e_regex.test(theform.youremail.value)) {
error+="Invalid email address\n";

if(theform.yourmessage.value=="") {
error+="Заполните поле Сообщение\n";

if(error) {
alert('**Ошибки:**\n\n' + error);
return false;
} else {
return true;


<?If($display_message) {?>

<div align="center" class="error_message"><b><?=$display_message;?></b></div>
br />


If($sent_mail!=true) {?>

<form method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="phmailer" onsubmit="return Checkit(this);">
table align="center" class="table">
td colspan="2" class="table_header" width="100%"><?=$websitename;?></td>
<?If($allowattach > 0) {?>
td width="100%" class="attach_info" colspan="2">
b>Разрешено прикреплять файлы:</b> <?=implode($allowtypes, ", ");?><br />
b>Максимальный Размер для одного файла:</b> <?=$max_file_size?>kb.<br />
b>Максимальный Общий размер файлов:</b> <?=$max_file_total?>kb.

td width="30%" class="table_body">Твое имя:</td>
td width="70%" class="table_body"><input name="yourname" type="text" size="30" value="<?=stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($yourname));?>" /><span class="error_message">*</span></td>
td width="30%" class="table_body">Твой Email:</td>
td width="70%" class="table_body"><input name="youremail" type="text" size="30" value="<?=stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($youremail));?>" /><span class="error_message">*</span></td>
td width="30%" class="table_body">Тема:</td>
td width="70%" class="table_body">

<?If($use_subject_drop AND is_array($subjects)) {?>
<select name="emailsubject" size="1">
<?while(list($key,$val)=each($subjects)) {?>

<option value="<?=intval($key);?>"><?=htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($val));?></option>


<?} Else {?>

<input name="emailsubject" type="text" size="30" value="<?=stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($emailsubject));?>" />



<?For($i=1;$i <= $allowattach; $i++) {?>
td width="30%" class="table_body">Твое фото:</td>
td width="70%" class="table_body"><input name="attachment[]" type="file" size="30" /></td>

td colspan="2" width="100%" class="table_body">Сообщение:<span class="error_message">*</span><br />
div align="center">
textarea name="yourmessage" rows="8" cols="60"><?=stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($yourmessage));?></textarea>
td colspan="2" width="100%" class="table_footer">
input type="hidden" name="submit" value="true" />
input type="submit" value="<?=$submitvalue;?>" />  
<input type="reset" value="<?=$resetvalue;?>" />

<?} Else {?>

<div align="center" class="thanks_message"><?=$thanksmessage;?></div>
br />
br />

//Please leave this here.. It's very small and non-obtrusive. ?>
<table class="table" style="border:0px;" align="center">
td><div class="copyright">©<a title="Powered By phMailer 1.5.1 <www.phphq.net>" href="http://skrin.wc.lt/phMailer.php">Форма обратной связи</a></div></td>



А это mailtest.php

title>phMailer Test Script</title>

If($_POST['submit']==true) {

extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);

If(mail($email,"Testing PHP Mail","This is a test email. Mail seems to be working fine =). Enjoy this script.","From: \"PHP Mail Test\" <$email>")) {
exit("Mail sent <b>ok</b>. Please check your email in a few minutes. If you received an email, then mail is setup correctly. If you got any errors or you did not receive any email, please contact your host as mail may not be available to you, or it is not working properly. <b> REMOVE THIS FILE AFTER USE </b>");
} Else {
exit("Sending mail <b>failed</b>. Please contact your host as php mail may not be available to you, or it is not working properly.");



<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
Your Email: <input type="text" name="email"> <input type="hidden" name="submit" value="true"> <input type="submit" value=" Test Email ">

Скажите можно ли в нем что то исправить? Или лучше попытаться найти другой хостинг?
Быстрый ответ:

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