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Полная Версия: Тестовое задание от фирмы
ВОт решил искать работу. Дали тестовое задание. У меня ощущение, что мне дали оплачиваемое задание. как считаете?
Hi!  We are Web teamleaders at Mobidev company (www.mobidev.com.ua).

This task is aimed to be not only simple test for you PHP skills, but to point you some new and interesting things that will be very usefull in future for your successful work as a Software Developer in any IT company.

The idea is to reveal you basic PHP coding, HTML markup and learning skills.
Using GitHub API http://developer.github.com/ please implement very basic GitHub projects browser with following features :

1) Search projects [http://developer.github.com/v3/search/#search-repositories]
2) Review project details [http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#get] with Contributors List [http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-contributors]
3) Review GitHub users (project contributors) details [http://developer.github.com/v3/users/#get-a-single-user]
4) Ability to "Like" projects and users (Like status should be saved to local database, use local MySQL server on your dev machine) Please make “Like” and “UnLike” buttons working with AJAX
5) Start page (index) should open Yii Framework GitHub project details https://github.com/yiisoft/yii (not github.com page, but this project inside your Test task GitHub browser)

Please take a look on attached mockups. Mockups gives a raw understanding how it can look like
First of all - you need to register a free GitHub account (if you don't have any yet) and learn a little what is GitHub and Git (start here http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GitHub and learn as deep as you wish, actually you do not need to know how to work with Git technology to complete test task).
Note : GitHub API allows only 50 request per hour for non authorized user. To increase the limit to 5000 request/hour you need to use Basic Authorization headers in your request (read more in documentation about limit http://developer.github.com/guides/getting...#authentication, you can see current limit by response header X-RateLimit-Limit).
By the way we do not forbid you to use opensource libs that you can find on GitHub (https://github.com/search?q=php+github+api) to solve our GitHub test Task wink.gif
General layout of pages should be like on attached mockups.
No extra good looking and usable interface required, but this is a way
where you can show your web designer eye. You are free to bring your own
imagination/ideas, but everything should have calm colors, readable fonts,
paddings, etc.

As a result of test task please provide Projects browser scripts, SQL dump with db structure etc. and brief installation instruction (in a single ZIP archive).

Will be a big plus if you will provide results not simply as ZIP archive, but upload source code to free GitHub repository and will provide us with link to your repository (in any case both ways are accepted).
Please do the task for Yii.
Если считаешь что за это задание нужно попросить денег - проси оплату за выполнение, даже Московские фирмы некоторые оплачивают тестовые задания, сам недавно выполнял.
Хм. Не знал. Спасибо за инфу
Текст перевёл. Это не проблема. Я никогда не имел дело с гит апи. Мне кажется задание объемным для тестового
Да ну
Using GitHub API http://developer.github.com/ please implement very basic GitHub projects browser with following features :
"have calm colors, readable fonts, paddings, etc."
Какой ужас для творческих личностей вроде тебя laugh.gif

Обучаю веб-программированию качественно и не дорого: http://school-php.com
Фрилансер, принимаю заказы: PHP, JS, AS (видео-чаты). Писать в ЛС (Личные сообщения на phpforum).
biggrin.gif точно подметил! Я же 2-х цветов связать не могу biggrin.gif про остальное вообще молчу =)
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