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Полная Версия: Помогите найти ошибку в скрипте
Добрый день, у меня имеется PHP скрипт, который берет информацию с форума IPB 2.3.6 и выводит на сайте информацию о последних сообщениях, но при определенных настройках, вместо количества сообщений я получаю пустое значение. Не могли бы вы посмотреть, в чем может быть проблема?

P.S. если ввести сл.настройки: имясайта/forum/ssi.php?a=lastposts&show=10&onepertopic=1&showtopicinfo=1 то не отображаются данные в тегах {comments} и {forum_title}, а если ввести имясайта/forum/ssi.php?a=lasttopics&show=10&onepertopic=1&showtopicinfo=1. Помогите решить эту проблему. Скрипт и описание к нему во вложении.
Насколько мне удалось разобраться, в скрипте используется IPB API, и не подгружаются данные из таблицы ibf_topics. Помогите разобраться...
просто никто ничего качать не станет.

HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS(JQuery, ExtJS), PHP, MySQL, MSSql, Posgres, (TSql, BI OLAP, MDX), Mongo, Git, SVN, CodeIgnater, Symfony, Yii 2, JiRA, Redmine, Bitbucket, Composer, Rabbit MQ, Amazon (SQS, S3, Transcribe), Docker
Цитата (Игорь_Vasinsky @ 14.02.2014 - 10:18)
просто никто ничего качать не станет.

там около 1000 строк кода, поэтому в тег вставлять не стал
покажи проблемный кусок кода. тот, который на твой взгляд работает не корректно

HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS(JQuery, ExtJS), PHP, MySQL, MSSql, Posgres, (TSql, BI OLAP, MDX), Mongo, Git, SVN, CodeIgnater, Symfony, Yii 2, JiRA, Redmine, Bitbucket, Composer, Rabbit MQ, Amazon (SQS, S3, Transcribe), Docker

* Do Last Posts
* Show last posts

function do_last_posts()

require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/handlers/han_parse_bbcode.php' );
$parser = new parse_bbcode();
$parser->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;
$parser->allow_update_caches = 0;
$parser->parse_smilies = 0;

$perpage = (isset($this->ipsclass->input['show']) AND intval($this->ipsclass->input['show']) > 0) ? intval($this->ipsclass->input['show']) : 10;
$perpage = ( $perpage > SSI_MAX_SHOW ) ? SSI_MAX_SHOW : $perpage;

$post_template = $this->load_template('last_posts.html');

$to_echo = '';

$wheretopics = '';
$whereposts = '';

if( count($this->disable_forums) > 0 )
$wheretopics .= 't.forum_id NOT IN ('.implode(',', $this->disable_forums).') AND ';

// Sort out the forum ids
if( isset($this->ipsclass->input['f']) && $this->ipsclass->input['f'] ) {
$forums = $this->ipsclass->clean_int_array( explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->input['f'] ) );

if( count($forums) > 0 )
$wheretopics .= "t.forum_id IN (".implode(',', $forums).") AND ";

if( intval($this->ipsclass->input['notopics']) == 1 )
$whereposts .= 'p.new_topic!=1 AND ';

if( isset($this->ipsclass->input['topic']) AND intval($this->ipsclass->input['topic']) > 0 )
$wheretopics .= 't.tid='.intval($this->ipsclass->input['topic']).' AND ';
$one_topic = 1;
$one_topic = 0;

if( intval($this->ipsclass->input['onepertopic']) == 1 )
$wheretopics .= 'p.post_date = t.last_post AND ';

$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => 'p.*',
'from' => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where' => $wheretopics.$whereposts.'p.queued=0',
'order' => 'p.post_date DESC',
'limit' => array( 0, $perpage ),
'add_join' => array( 0 => array( 'select' => 'm.members_display_name as member_name, m.id as member_id, m.title as member_title',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => 'm.id=p.author_id',
'type' => 'left' ),
1 => array( 'select' => 'me.avatar_location, me.avatar_size, me.avatar_type',
'from' => array( 'member_extra' => 'me' ),
'where' => 'me.id=p.author_id',
'type' => 'left' ),
2 => array( 'select' => 't.tid, t.title',
'from' => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where' => "p.topic_id=t.tid AND t.approved=1 AND t.state != 'closed' AND (t.moved_to is null or t.moved_to = '') AND t.starter_id <> 0",
'type' => 'left' ) )
) );

$sql_result = $this->ipsclass->DB->exec_query();

if ( !$this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows($sql_result) )
fatal_error("Could not get the information from the database");

$newsize = (isset($this->ipsclass->input['asize']) AND intval($this->ipsclass->input['asize']) > 0) ? intval($this->ipsclass->input['asize']) : 0;
$len = (isset($this->ipsclass->input['len']) AND intval($this->ipsclass->input['len']) > 0) ? intval($this->ipsclass->input['len']) : 0;

while( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($sql_result) )
$parser->parse_html = ( $this->ipsclass->cache['forum_cache'][ $row['forum_id'] ]['use_html'] and $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $row['mgroup'] ]['g_dohtml'] and $row['post_htmlstate'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$parser->parse_nl2br = $row['post_htmlstate'] == 2 ? 1 : 0;
$parser->parse_wordwrap = $this->ipsclass->vars['post_wordwrap'];

$row['post'] = $parser->pre_display_parse( $row['post'] );
$row['member_name'] = $row['member_name'] ? $row['member_name'] : $row['author_name'];
$row['member_avatar'] = $this->ipsclass->get_avatar( $row['avatar_location'], 1, $row['avatar_size'], $row['avatar_type'] );

if( $newsize )
$row['member_avatar'] = preg_replace("#width='(\d+)'#is", "width='$newsize'", $row['member_avatar']);
$row['member_avatar'] = preg_replace("#height='(\d+)'#is", "height='$newsize'", $row['member_avatar']);

$row['post'] = $parser->strip_all_tags( $row['post'] );
$row['post'] = preg_replace("#([^\s<>'\"/\.\\-\?&\n\r\%]{80})#i", " \\1"."<br />", $row['post']);
$row['post'] = str_replace( "\n", '<br />', trim($row['post']) );
if( $len and (strlen( $row['post'] ) > $len) )
$row['post'] = substr( $row['post'], 0, $len ) . '...';
$row['post'] = preg_replace( "/&(#(\d+;?)?)?\.\.\.$/", '...', $row['post'] );

$to_echo .= $this->parse_template( $post_template,
array (
'profile_link' => $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?showuser='.$row['member_id'],
'member_name' => $row['member_name'],
'member_title' => $row['member_title'] ? '<br />'.$row['member_title'] : '',
'post_date' => gmdate('d.m.Y H:i', ($row['post_date'] + $this->ipsclass->offset) ),
'topic_link' => $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?showtopic='.$row['tid'],
'topic_title' => $row['title'],
'forum_link' => $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?showforum='.$row['forum_id'],
'forum_title' => $this->ipsclass->cache['forum_cache'][ $row['forum_id'] ]['name'],
'post' => $row['post'],
'posts' => $row['posts'],
'view_all_link'=> $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?showtopic='.$row['tid'].'&view=findpost&p='.$row['pid'],
'member_avatar'=> $row['member_avatar']


if( $one_topic AND isset($this->ipsclass->input['showtopicinfo']) AND $this->ipsclass->input['showtopicinfo'] )
$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => 'tid,title,posts,starter_id,starter_name,forum_id',
'from' => 'topics',
'where' => 'tid='.intval($this->ipsclass->input['topic']),
) );

$sql_result = $this->ipsclass->DB->exec_query();

if( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($sql_result) )
if( in_array($row['forum_id'], $this->disable_forums) )
fatal_error("You can't access this topic.");

$topicinfo_template = $this->load_template('last_posts_topicinfo.html');

$topic_info = $this->parse_template( $topicinfo_template,
array (
'profile_link' => $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?act=Profile&CODE=03&MID='.$row['starter_id'],
'starter_name' => $row['starter_name'],
'topic_link' => $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?act=st&t='.$row['tid'],
'topic_link_last' => $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?act=st&t='.$row['tid'].'&view=getlastpost',
'topic_title' => $row['title'],
'forum_link' => $this->ipsclass->base_url.'?act=sf&f='.$row['forum_id'],
'forum_title' => $this->ipsclass->cache['forum_cache'][ $row['forum_id'] ]['name'],
'posts' => $row['posts'],

$to_echo = $topic_info.$to_echo;

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