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Полная Версия: Скрипт php
Народ нужен скрипт php...который создает карту сайта в формате xml...движок wordpress!...помоги плизз

HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS(JQuery, ExtJS), PHP, MySQL, MSSql, Posgres, (TSql, BI OLAP, MDX), Mongo, Git, SVN, CodeIgnater, Symfony, Yii 2, JiRA, Redmine, Bitbucket, Composer, Rabbit MQ, Amazon (SQS, S3, Transcribe), Docker
Нет...это не сложно...!...плагин очень даже легко!..а вот работающий скрипт это проблема!!!
тогда заказывайте у программистов. за деньги или за еду - это уж как договоритесь

HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS(JQuery, ExtJS), PHP, MySQL, MSSql, Posgres, (TSql, BI OLAP, MDX), Mongo, Git, SVN, CodeIgnater, Symfony, Yii 2, JiRA, Redmine, Bitbucket, Composer, Rabbit MQ, Amazon (SQS, S3, Transcribe), Docker
дааа уж...много помощи...такой вразумительный ответ и я мог сказать!..а помощи 0-ноль
а я что то Вам должен?
Сначала нужно что то предложить, а потом уже просить.

HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS(JQuery, ExtJS), PHP, MySQL, MSSql, Posgres, (TSql, BI OLAP, MDX), Mongo, Git, SVN, CodeIgnater, Symfony, Yii 2, JiRA, Redmine, Bitbucket, Composer, Rabbit MQ, Amazon (SQS, S3, Transcribe), Docker

$url = "http://mysite/";

$root_dir = './';

$file_mask = '*.php';

$sitemap_file = 'sitemap.xml';

$always_ignore = array(

$ignore_files = array(

$ignore_folders = array(

$starting_priority = ($_REQUEST['starting_priority']) ? $_REQUEST['starting_priority'] : 70;

function generateSiteMap() {
global $url, $file_mask, $root_dir, $sitemap_file, $starting_priority;
global $always_ignore, $ignore_files, $ignore_folders;
global $total_file_count,$average, $lowest_priority_page, $lowest_priority;

$all_pages = getFiles('');

$xml_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


$modified_priority = array();
for ($i=30;$i>0;$i--) array_push($modified_priority,$i);

$lowest_priority = 100;
$lowest_priority_page = "";

foreach ($all_pages as $link) {

$handle = fopen($link,'r');
$info = fstat($handle);
$modified_at = date('Y-m-d\Th:i:s\Z',$info['mtime']);
$modified_before = ceil((time() - $info['mtime']) / (60 * 60 * 24));

$priority = $starting_priority; //Starting priority

//If the file was modified recently, increase the importance
if($modified_before < 30) {
$priority += $modified_priority[$modified_before];

if(preg_match('/index\.\w{3,4}$/',$link)) {
$link = preg_replace('/index\.\w{3,4}$/',"",$link);
$priority += 20;

//These priority detectors should be different for different sites :TODO:
if(strpos($link,'example')) $priority -= 30; //If the page is an example page
elseif(strpos($link,'demo')) $priority -= 30;
if(strpos($link,'tuorial')) $priority += 10;
if(strpos($link,'script')) $priority += 5;
if(strpos($link,'other') !== false) $priority -= 20;

//Priority based on depth
$depth = substr_count($link,'/');
if($depth < 2) $priority += 10; // Yes, I know this is flawed.
if($depth > 2) $priority += $depth * 5; // But the results are better.

if($priority > 100) $priority = 100;
$loc = $url . $link;
if(substr($loc,-1,1) == '/') $loc = substr($loc,0,-1);//Remove the last '/' char.

$total_priority += $priority;
if($lowest_priority > $priority) {
$lowest_priority = $priority;//Find the file with the lowest priority.
$lowest_priority_page = $loc;

$priority = $priority / 100; //The priority is given in decimals

$xml_string .= " <url>

$xml_string .= "</urlset>";
if(!$hndl = fopen($sitemap_file,'w')) {
print "Can't open sitemap file - '$sitemap_file'.\nDumping result to screen...\n<br /><br /><br />\n\n\n";
print '<textarea rows="25" cols="70" style="width:100%">'.$xml_string.'</textarea>';
} else {
print '<p>Sitemap was written to <a href="' . $url.$sitemap_file .'">'. $url.$sitemap_file .'></a></p>';


$total_file_count = count($all_pages);
$average = round(($total_priority/$total_file_count),2);

///////////////////////////////////////// Functions /////////////////////////////////
// File finding function.
function getFiles($cd) {
$links = array();
$directory = ($cd) ? $cd . '/' : '';//Add the slash only if we are in a valid folder

$files = glob($directory . $GLOBALS['file_mask']);
foreach($files as $link) {
//Use this only if it is NOT on our ignore lists
if(in_array($link,$GLOBALS['ignore_files'])) continue;
if(in_array(basename($link),$GLOBALS['always_ignore'])) continue;
array_push($links, $link);
//asort($links);//Sort 'em - to get the index at top.

//Get All folders.
$folders = glob($directory . '*',GLOB_ONLYDIR);//GLOB_ONLYDIR not avalilabe on windows.
foreach($folders as $dir) {
//Use this only if it is NOT on our ignore lists
$name = basename($dir);
if(in_array($name,$GLOBALS['always_ignore'])) continue;
if(in_array($dir,$GLOBALS['ignore_folders'])) continue;

$more_pages = getFiles($dir); // :RECURSION:
if(count($more_pages)) $links = array_merge($links,$more_pages);//We need all thing in 1 single dimentional array.

return $links;

//////////////////////////////// Display /////////////////////////////

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.1 Transitional//EN">
<title>Sitemap Generation Using PHP</title>
<style type="text/css">
a {color:blue;text-decoration:none;}
a:hover {color:red;}
<h1>PHP Google Search Sitemap Generator Script</h1>

if($_POST['action'] == 'Create Sitemap') {
<h2>Sitemap Created...</h2>


<p><strong><?php echo $total_file_count; ?></strong> files were found and indexed.<br />
Lowest priority of <strong><?php echo $lowest_priority; ?></strong> was
given to <a href='<?php echo $lowest_priority_page; ?>'><?php echo $lowest_priority_page; ?></a></p>

Average Priority : <strong><?php echo $average; ?></strong><br />

<?php } else { ?>

<p>You can use this script to create the sitemap for your site automatically. The script will recursively visit all files on your site and create a sitemap XML file in the format needed by Google. </p>

<p>You can customize the result by changing the starting priorities.</p>

<h2>Set Starting Priority</h2>
<?php } ?>

<form action="sitemap.php" method="post">
Starting Priority : <input type="text" name="starting_priority" size="3" value="<?php echo $starting_priority; ?>" />
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Create Sitemap" />


Вот скрипт, он работает, только проблема в том что он находит и записывает все файлы с расширением php, а нужно только страницы сайта!...помогите решить проблему!
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