$query = new SampQuery($_GET['server'],$_GET['port']);
$Server = $query -> getInfo();
$playeron = $Server->players;
$playermax = $Server->maxplayers;
$Server->Online ? $statusi = 1 : $statusi = 0;
$igroki ='Role Play '.$Server->players.'/'.$Server->maxplayers;
if ($statusi == 1) {
$igrok = 220*$playeron/$playermax;
$igro = $igroki;
} else {
$igrok = '220';
$igro = 'OFFLINE';
header("Content-Type: image/png");
$image = imagecreate(220, 20); /*Длина, высота*/
$dark_grey = imagecolorallocate($image, 235, 235, 235);
$blek = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$gren = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 255, 0);
$red = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0);
if ($statusi == 0) {
$cvet = $red;
} else {
$cvet = $gren;
$font_path = 'MyriadPro.otf';
imagettftext($image, 13, 0, 70, 15, $blek, $font_path, $igro); /*Размер шрифта, поворот текста, отступ текста от начала, опускание текста вниз*/
* @author Edward McKnight (
/* *****************************************************************
// SampQuery.class.php
// Version 1.0
// This class connects to a specific SA-MP server via sockets.
// Copyright 2012 Edward McKnight (
// Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
// Credits to Westie for the original PHP SA-MP API and inspiration for this API.
* *****************************************************************/
class SampQuery {
private $sock = null;
private $server = "";
private $port = "7777";
* Creates a new SampQuery object.
* @param $server server hostname
* @param $port port of the server
public function __construct($server, $port=7777)
$this->server = $server;
$this->port = $port;
$this->sock = fsockopen("udp://".$this->server, $this->port, $errorNum, $errorString, 2);
socket_set_timeout($this->sock, 2);
public function getInfo() {
@fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("i"));
fread($this->sock, 11);
$serverInfo = array();
$serverInfo['password'] = (integer) ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
$serverInfo['players'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 2));
$serverInfo['maxplayers'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 2));
$strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 4));
if(!$strLen) return -1;
$serverInfo['hostname'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);
$strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 4));
$serverInfo['gamemode'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);
$strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 4));
$serverInfo['map'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);
return $serverInfo;
public function getBasicPlayers() {
@fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("c"));
fread($this->sock, 11);
$playerCount = ord(fread($this->sock, 2));
$players = array();
if($playerCount > 0) {
for($i = 0; $i < $playerCount; ++$i) {
$strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
$players[$i] = array
"name" => (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen),
"score" => (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 4)),
return $players;
public function getDetailedPlayers() {
@fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("d"));
fread($this->sock, 11);
$playerCount = ord(fread($this->sock, 2));
$players = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $playerCount; ++$i) {
$player['playerid'] = (integer) ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
$strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
$player['nickname'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);
$player['score'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 4));
$player['ping'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 4));
$players[$i] = $player;
return $players;
* Returns an array of server rules.
* @return Array[]
* (
* [gravity] => gravity
* [mapname] => map
* [version] => version
* [weather] => weather
* [weburl] => weburl
* [worldtime] => worldtime
* )
public function getRules() {
@fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("r"));
fread($this->sock, 11);
$ruleCount = ord(fread($this->sock, 2));
$rules = array();
for($i = 0; $i< $ruleCount; ++$i) {
$strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
$rule = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);
$strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
$rules[$rule] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);
return $rules;
* Returns the server's ping.
* @return integer
public function getPing() {
$ping = 0;
$beforeSend = microtime(true);
@fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("r"));
fread($this->sock, 15);
$afterReceive = microtime(true);
$ping = ($afterReceive - $beforeSend) * 1000;
return round($ping);
private function toInt($string) {
if($string === "") {
return null;
$int = 0;
$int += (ord($string[0]));
if(isset($string[1])) {
$int += (ord($string[1]) << 8);
if(isset($string[2])) {
$int += (ord($string[2]) << 16);
if(isset($string[3])) {
$int += (ord($string[3]) << 24);
if($int >= 4294967294) {
$int -= 4294967296;
return $int;
private function assemblePacket($type) {
$packet = "SAMP";
$packet .= chr(strtok($this->server, "."));
$packet .= chr(strtok("."));
$packet .= chr(strtok("."));
$packet .= chr(strtok("."));
$packet .= chr($this->port & 0xFF);
$packet .= chr($this->port >> 8 & 0xFF);
$packet .= $type;
return $packet;
* Attempts to connect to the server and returns whether it was successful.
* @return boolean
public function connect() {
$connected = false;
fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("p0101"));
if(fread($this->sock, 10)) {
if(fread($this->sock, 5) == 'p0101') {
$connected = true;
return $connected;
* Closes the connection
public function close() {