пытаюсь вернуть на главной значение $authorization;
$authorization = new authorization();
echo $authorization->$authorization.'9898';
Catchable fatal error: Object of class authorization could not be converted to string in
class authorization{
var $uid;
var $email;
var $password;
var $salt;
var $key;
var $law;
var $name;
var $phone;
public $admin;
public $authorization;
function __construct(){ session_start();
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$law = $_SESSION['law'];
$name = $_SESSION['name'];
$password = $_SESSION['password'];
$mysql = new mysql();
$total = $mysql->get_query_total("SELECT * FROM `".BCRM."user` WHERE `uid` = '".$id."' AND `law` = '".$law."' AND `name` = '".$name."'");
$sql = $mysql->get_query_simple("SELECT * FROM `".BCRM."user` WHERE `uid` = '".$id."' AND `law` = '".$law."' AND `name` = '".$name."'");
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql))
{$pass == $row['password'];}
if($total == 1 and $password == md5(sha1($pass + md5(sha1($ip))))){$this->authorization ='yes';}else{$this->authorization ='no';session_destroy();}
return $this->authorization;}}
объясните пожалуйста где я ошибся.