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Полная Версия: Доработка функционала VirtueMart 1.1.9
Всем здрасте!
Нужен спец, который сможет доработать функционал VirtueMart 1.1.9. Коротко основные моменты, для ориентации:
1. Сделать заказ товара без регистрации и в 2 клика (т.е. на странице корзины покупатель вводит свои данные, - на второй оплачивает).
2. Сделать, чтоб окно "Товар добавлен в корзину" и само добавление корректно работало во всех основных браузерах. Тут, видимо, AJAX надо знать.
3. Возможность выгрузить данные клиентов в excel, с целью их последующей обработки. В excel выгружается уже полная информация из анкеты, плюс данные по работе над заказом.
4. Плюс некоторые моменты, связанные с запросами к базе данных.

Подробное ТЗ вышлю по запросу.
около 9к деревянных.

HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JS(JQuery, ExtJS), PHP, MySQL, MSSql, Posgres, (TSql, BI OLAP, MDX), Mongo, Git, SVN, CodeIgnater, Symfony, Yii 2, JiRA, Redmine, Bitbucket, Composer, Rabbit MQ, Amazon (SQS, S3, Transcribe), Docker
Цитата (Игорь_Vasinsky @ 10.07.2012 - 16:33)
около 9к деревянных.

ооо, надо подумать...
Помогите перепрограммировать файл currencydisplay для Virtuamart 2.0.18a чтобы изменить валюту магазина с евро на рубли
if( !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );

* @version $Id: currencydisplay.php 6566 2012-10-19 16:33:47Z Milbo $
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage classes
* @author Max Milbers
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008 Soeren Eberhardt-Biermann - All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
* http://virtuemart.net

class CurrencyDisplay {

static $_instance;
private $_currencyConverter;

private $_currency_id = '0'; // string ID related with the currency (ex : language)
private $_symbol = 'udef'; // Printable symbol
private $_nbDecimal = 2; // Number of decimals past colon (or other)
private $_decimal = ','; // Decimal symbol ('.', ',', ...)
private $_thousands = ' '; // Thousands separator ('', ' ', ',')
private $_positivePos = '{number}{symbol}'; // Currency symbol position with Positive values :
private $_negativePos = '{sign}{number}{symbol}'; // Currency symbol position with Negative values :
var $_priceConfig = array(); //holds arrays of 0 and 1 first is if price should be shown, second is rounding
var $exchangeRateShopper = 1.0;

private function __construct ($vendorId = 0){

$this->_app = JFactory::getApplication();
if(empty($vendorId)) $vendorId = 1;

$this->_db = JFactory::getDBO();
$q = 'SELECT `vendor_currency`,`currency_code_3`,`currency_numeric_code` FROM `#__virtuemart_vendors` AS v
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_currencies` AS c ON virtuemart_currency_id = vendor_currency
WHERE v.`virtuemart_vendor_id`="'.(int)$vendorId.'"';

$row = $this->_db->loadRow();
$this->_vendorCurrency = $row[0];
$this->_vendorCurrency_code_3 = $row[1];
$this->_vendorCurrency_numeric = (int)$row[2];

//vmdebug('$row ',$row);
$converterFile = VmConfig::get('currency_converter_module','convertECB.php');

if (file_exists( JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'plugins'.DS.'currency_converter'.DS.$converterFile ) and !is_dir(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'plugins'.DS.'currency_converter'.DS.$converterFile)) {
$module_filename=substr($converterFile, 0, -4);
if( class_exists( $module_filename )) {
$this->_currencyConverter = new $module_filename();
} else {

if(!class_exists('convertECB')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'plugins'.DS.'currency_converter'.DS.'convertEC B.php');
$this->_currencyConverter = new convertECB();



* Gives back the format of the currency, gets $style if none is set, with the currency Id, when nothing is found it tries the vendorId.
* When no param is set, you get the format of the mainvendor
* @author Max Milbers
* @param int $currencyId Id of the currency
* @param int $vendorId Id of the vendor
* @param string $style The vendor_currency_display_code
1: id,
2: CurrencySymbol,
3: NumberOfDecimalsAfterDecimalSymbol,
4: DecimalSymbol,
5: Thousands separator
6: Currency symbol position with Positive values :
7: Currency symbol position with Negative values :

EXAMPLE: ||&euro;|2|,||1|8
* @return string
static public function getInstance($currencyId=0,$vendorId=0){

// vmdebug('hmmmmm getInstance given $currencyId '.$currencyId,self::$_instance->_currency_id);
// if(empty(self::$_instance) || empty(self::$_instance->_currency_id) || ($currencyId!=self::$_instance->_currency_id && !empty($currencyId)) ){

if(empty(self::$_instance) || (!empty($currencyId) and $currencyId!=self::$_instance->_currency_id) ){

self::$_instance = new CurrencyDisplay($vendorId);


self::$_instance->_currency_id = self::$_instance->_app->getUserStateFromRequest( "virtuemart_currency_id", 'virtuemart_currency_id',JRequest::getInt('virtuemart_currency_id', 0));
self::$_instance->_currency_id = self::$_instance->_vendorCurrency;

} else {
self::$_instance->_currency_id = $currencyId;

$q = 'SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `virtuemart_currency_id`="'.(int)self::$_instance->_currency_id.'"';
$style = self::$_instance->_db->loadObject();

} else {
$uri = JFactory::getURI();

$link = $uri->root().'administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=editshop& #39;;
JError::raiseWarning('1', JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CONF_WARN_NO_CURRENCY_DEFINED','<a href="'.$link.'">'.$link.'</a>'));
} else{
$link = $uri->root().'administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=currency&task=edit& amp;cid[]='.self::$_instance->_currency_id;
JError::raiseWarning('1', JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CONF_WARN_NO_FORMAT_DEFINED','<a href="'.$link.'">'.$link.'</a>'));

// self::$_instance->setCurrencyDisplayToStyleStr($currencyId);
//would be nice to automatically unpublish the product/currency or so

return self::$_instance;

* Parse the given currency display string into the currency diplsy values.
* This function takes the currency style string as saved in the vendor
* record and parses it into its appropriate values. An example style
* string would be 1|&euro;|2|,|.|0|0
* @author Max Milbers
* @param String $currencyStyle String containing the currency display settings
private function setCurrencyDisplayToStyleStr($style) {
//vmdebug('setCurrencyDisplayToStyleStr ',$style);
$this->_currency_id = $style->virtuemart_currency_id;
$this->_symbol = $style->currency_symbol;
$this->_nbDecimal = $style->currency_decimal_place;
$this->_decimal = $style->currency_decimal_symbol;
$this->_numeric_code = (int)$style->currency_numeric_code;
$this->_thousands = $style->currency_thousands;
$this->_positivePos = $style->currency_positive_style;
$this->_negativePos = $style->currency_negative_style;


* This function sets an array, which holds the information if
* a price is to be shown and the number of rounding digits
* @author Max Milbers
function setPriceArray(){

if(count($this->_priceConfig)>0)return true;

if(!class_exists('JParameter')) require(JPATH_VM_LIBRARIES.DS.'joomla'.DS.'html'.DS.'parameter.php' );

$user = JFactory::getUser();

$result = false;
$q = 'SELECT `vx`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_vmusers` as `u`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__virtuemart_vmuser_shoppergroups` AS `vx` ON `u`.`virtuemart_user_id` = `vx`.`virtuemart_user_id`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__virtuemart_shoppergroups` AS `sg` ON `vx`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` = `sg`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`
WHERE `u`.`virtuemart_user_id` = "'.$user->id.'" ';
$result = $this->_db->loadResult();

$q = 'SELECT `price_display`,`custom_price_display` FROM `#__virtuemart_shoppergroups` AS `sg`
WHERE `sg`.`default` = "'.($user->guest+1).'" ';

$result = $this->_db->loadRow();
} else {
$q = 'SELECT `price_display`,`custom_price_display` FROM `#__virtuemart_shoppergroups` AS `sg`
WHERE `sg`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` = "'.$result.'" ';

$result = $this->_db->loadRow();

$result[0] = unserialize($result[0]);

$custom_price_display = 0;
$custom_price_display = $result[1];

if($custom_price_display && !empty($result[0])){
$show_prices = $result[0]->get('show_prices',VmConfig::get('show_prices', 1));
// vmdebug('$result[0]',$result[0],$show_prices);
} else {
$show_prices = VmConfig::get('show_prices', 1);

$priceFields = array('basePrice','variantModification','basePriceVariant',

foreach($priceFields as $name){
$show = 0;
$round = 0;
$text = 0;

//Here we check special settings of the shoppergroup
// $result = unserialize($result);
$show = (int)$result[0]->get($name);
$round = (int)$result[0]->get($name.'Rounding');
$text = $result[0]->get($name.'Text');
// vmdebug('$custom_price_display');
} else {
$show = VmConfig::get($name,0);
$round = VmConfig::get($name.'Rounding',2);
$text = VmConfig::get($name.'Text',0);
// vmdebug('$config_price_display');

//Map to currency
$round = $this->_nbDecimal;
//vmdebug('Use currency rounding '.$round);
$this->_priceConfig[$name] = array($show,$round,$text);
} else {
foreach($priceFields as $name){
$this->_priceConfig[$name] = array(0,0,0);

// vmdebug('$this->_priceConfig',$this->_priceConfig);

* getCurrencyForDisplay: get The actual displayed Currency
* Use this only in a view, plugin or modul, never in a model
* @param integer $currencyId
* return integer $currencyId: displayed Currency
public function getCurrencyForDisplay( $currencyId=0 ){

$currencyId = (int)$this->_app->getUserStateFromRequest( 'virtuemart_currency_id', 'virtuemart_currency_id',$this->_vendorCurrency );
$currencyId = $this->_vendorCurrency;

return $currencyId;

* This function is for the gui only!
* Use this only in a view, plugin or modul, never in a model
* TODO for vm2.2 remove quantity option
* @param float $price
* @param integer $currencyId
* return string formatted price
public function priceDisplay($price, $currencyId=0,$quantity = 1.0,$inToShopCurrency = false,$nb= -1){

$currencyId = $this->getCurrencyForDisplay($currencyId);

$nb = $this->_nbDecimal;

/* if($this->_vendorCurrency_numeric===756){ // and $this->_numeric_code!==$this->_vendorCurrency_numeric){
$price = round((float)$price * 2,1) * 0.5 * (float)$quantity;
} else {*/
$price = round((float)$price,$nb) * (float)$quantity;
$price = $this->convertCurrencyTo($currencyId,$price,$inToShopCurrency);

if($this->_numeric_code===756 and VmConfig::get('rappenrundung',FALSE)=="1"){
$price = round((float)$price * 2,1) * 0.5;
return $this->getFormattedCurrency($price,$nb);

* Format, Round and Display Value
* @author Max Milbers
* @param val number
private function getFormattedCurrency( $nb, $nbDecimal=-1){

//TODO $this->_nbDecimal is the config of the currency and $nbDecimal is the config of the price type.
if($nbDecimal==-1) $nbDecimal = $this->_nbDecimal;
$format = $this->_positivePos;
$sign = '+';
} else {
$format = $this->_negativePos;
$sign = '-';
$nb = abs($nb);

//$res = $this->formatNumber($nb, $nbDecimal, $this->_thousands, $this->_decimal);
$res = number_format((float)$nb,(int)$nbDecimal,$this->_decimal,$this->_thousands);
$search = array('{sign}', '{number}', '{symbol}');
$replace = array($sign, $res, $this->_symbol);
$formattedRounded = str_replace ($search,$replace,$format);

return $formattedRounded;

* function to create a div to show the prices, is necessary for JS
* @author Max Milbers
* @author Patrick Kohl
* @param string name of the price
* @param String description key
* @param array the prices of the product
* return a div for prices which is visible according to config and have all ids and class set
public function createPriceDiv($name,$description,$product_price,$priceOnly=false,$switchSequel=false,$quantity = 1.0,$forceNoLabel=false){

// vmdebug('createPriceDiv '.$name,$product_price[$name]);
if(empty($product_price) and $name != 'billTotal') return '';

//The fallback, when this price is not configured
$this->_priceConfig[$name] = $this->_priceConfig['salesPrice'];

//This is a fallback because we removed the "salesPriceWithDiscount" ;
$price = $product_price[$name] ;
} else {
$price = $product_price;

//This could be easily extended by product specific settings
if(!empty($price) or $name == 'billTotal'){
$vis = "block";
$priceFormatted = $this->priceDisplay($price,0,(float)$quantity,false,$this->_priceConfig[$name][1],$name );
} else {
$priceFormatted = '';
$vis = "none";
return $priceFormatted;
if($forceNoLabel) {
return '<div class="Price'.$name.'" style="display : '.$vis.';" ><span class="Price'.$name.'" >'.$priceFormatted.'</span></div>';
$descr = '';
if($this->_priceConfig[$name][2]) $descr = JText::_($description);
// vmdebug('createPriceDiv $name '.$name.' '.$product_price[$name]);
return '<div class="Price'.$name.'" style="display : '.$vis.';" >'.$descr.'<span class="Price'.$name.'" >'.$priceFormatted.'</span></div>';
} else {
return '<div class="Price'.$name.'" style="display : '.$vis.';" ><span class="Price'.$name.'" >'.$priceFormatted.'</span>'.$descr.'</div>';


* @author Max Milbers
* @param unknown_type $currency
* @param unknown_type $price
* @param unknown_type $shop
function convertCurrencyTo($currency,$price,$shop=true){

// vmdebug('empty $currency ',$price);
return $price;

// If both currency codes match, do nothing
if( (is_Object($currency) and $currency->_currency_id == $this->_vendorCurrency) or (!is_Object($currency) and $currency == $this->_vendorCurrency)) {
// vmdebug(' $currency == $this->_vendorCurrency ',$price);
return $price;

$exchangeRate = (float)$currency->exchangeRateShopper;
vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo OBJECT '.$exchangeRate);
else {
// $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO();
$q = 'SELECT `currency_exchange_rate` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `virtuemart_currency_id` ="'.(int)$currency.'" ';
$exch = (float)$this->_db->loadResult();
// vmdebug('begin convertCurrencyTo '.$exch);
$exchangeRate = $exch;
} else {
$exchangeRate = 0;

if(!empty($exchangeRate) ){

$price = $price / $exchangeRate;
} else {
$price = $price * $exchangeRate;

} else {
$currencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($currency);
$vendorCurrencyCode = self::ensureUsingCurrencyCode($this->_vendorCurrency);
$price = $this ->_currencyConverter->convert( $price, $currencyCode, $vendorCurrencyCode);
//vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo Use dynamic rate in shop '.$oldprice .' => '.$price);
} else {
//vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo Use dynamic rate to shopper currency '.$price);
$price = $this ->_currencyConverter->convert( $price , $vendorCurrencyCode, $currencyCode);
// vmdebug('convertCurrencyTo my currency ',$this->exchangeRateShopper);

return $price;

* Changes the virtuemart_currency_id into the right currency_code
* For exampel 47 => EUR
* @author Max Milbers
* @author Frederic Bidon
function ensureUsingCurrencyCode($curr){

if(is_numeric($curr) and $curr!=0){
$this->_db = JFactory::getDBO();
$q = 'SELECT `currency_code_3` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `virtuemart_currency_id`="'.(int)$curr.'"';
$currInt = $this->_db->loadResult();
JError::raiseWarning(E_WARNING,'Attention, could not find currency code in the table for id = '.$curr);
return $currInt;
return $curr;

* Changes the currency_code into the right virtuemart_currency_id
* For exampel 'currency_code_3' : EUR => 47
* @author Max Milbers
* @author Kohl Patrick
function getCurrencyIdByField($value=0,$fieldName ='currency_code_3'){

if(is_string($value) ){
$this->_db = JFactory::getDBO();
$q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_currency_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `'.$fieldName.'`="'.$value.'"';
$currency_id = $this->_db->loadResult();
JError::raiseWarning(E_WARNING,'Attention, couldnt find currency_id in the table for '.$fieldName.' = '.$value);
return $currency_id;
return $value;

* @author Horvath, Sandor [HU] http://de.php.net/manual/de/function.number-format.php
* @author Max Milbers
* @param double $number
* @param int $decimals
* @param string $thousand_separator
* @param string $decimal_point
function formatNumber($number, $decimals = 2, $decimal_point = '.', $thousand_separator = '&nbsp;' ){

// $tmp1 = round((float) $number, $decimals);

return number_format($number,$decimals,$decimal_point,$thousand_separator);
// while (($tmp2 = preg_replace('/(\d+)(\d\d\d)/', '\1 \2', $tmp1)) != $tmp1){
// $tmp1 = $tmp2;
// }
// return strtr($tmp1, array(' ' => $thousand_separator, '.' => $decimal_point));

* Return the currency symbol
public function getSymbol() {

* Return the currency ID
public function getId() {

* Return the number of decimal places
* @author RickG
* @return int Number of decimal places
public function getNbrDecimals() {

* Return the decimal symbol
* @author RickG
* @return string Decimal place symbol
public function getDecimalSymbol() {

* Return the decimal symbol
* @author RickG
* @return string Decimal place symbol
public function getThousandsSeperator() {

* Return the positive format
* @author RickG
* @return string Positive number format
public function getPositiveFormat() {

* Return the negative format
* @author RickG
* @return string Negative number format
public function getNegativeFormat() {

// pure php no closing tag
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