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function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)
this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1
this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
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this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;
this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;
this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5)
return this
var bw=new lib_bwcheck()

/*** variables to configure... ***/

var numScrollPages = 3 //Set the number of pages (layers) here. Add and remove the pages in the body too. The first layer is called dynPage0, the second is dynPage1, and so on.
var transitionOut = 1; //The 'out' effect... 0= no effect, 1= fade
var transitionIn = 2; //The 'in' effect... 0= no effect, 1= fade, 2= slide
var slideAcceleration = 0.2; //If you use the slide animation, set this somewhere between 0 and 1.
var transitionOnload = 1 //Use the 'in' transition when the page first loads? If you want the transition fx only when the links are clicked, you can set it to 0.

// NOTE: if you change the position of divScroller1 from absolute to relative, you can put the scroller in a table.
// HOWEVER it will no longer work in netscape 4. If you wish to support netscape 4, you have to use absolute positioning.

// Please note that there are no effects available in ns4 and ie4, or explorers on the Mac!

/*** There should be no need to change anything beyond this. ***/

// A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer.
var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px";

if(document.layers){ //NS4 resize fix...
scrX= innerWidth; scrY= innerHeight;
onresize= function(){if(scrX!= innerWidth || scrY!= innerHeight){history.go(0)} }

//object constructor...
function scrollerobj(obj,nest){
nest = (!nest)?"":'document.'+nest+'.'
this.elm = bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+'document.'+obj):document.getElementById(obj)
this.css = bw.ns4?this.elm:this.elm.style
this.doc = bw.ns4?this.elm.document:document
this.obj = obj+'scrollerobj'; eval(this.obj+'=this')
this.x = (bw.ns4||bw.opera5)?this.css.left:this.elm.offsetLeft
this.y = (bw.ns4||bw.opera5)?this.css.top:this.elm.offsetTop
this.w = (bw.ie4||bw.ie5||bw.ie6||bw.ns6)?this.elm.offsetWidth:bw.ns4?this.elm.clip.width:bw.opera5?this.css.pixelWidth:0
this.h = (bw.ie4||bw.ie5||bw.ie6||bw.ns6)?this.elm.offsetHeight:bw.ns4?this.elm.clip.height:bw.opera5?this.css.pixelHeight:0

//object methods...
scrollerobj.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y){
if(x!=null){this.x=x; this.css.left=x+px}
if(y!=null){this.y=y; this.css.top=y+px}
scrollerobj.prototype.moveBy = function(x,y){this.moveTo(this.x+x,this.y+y)}
scrollerobj.prototype.hideIt = function(){this.css.visibility='hidden'}
scrollerobj.prototype.showIt = function(){this.css.visibility='visible'}

var scrollTimer = null;
function scroll(step){
if ( !busy && (step<0&&activePage.y+activePage.h>scroller1.h || step>0&&activePage.y<0) ){
scrollTimer = setTimeout('scroll('+step+')',40);
function stopScroll(){

var activePage = null;
var busy = 0;
function activate(num){
if (activePage!=pages[num] && !busy){
busy = 1;
if (transitionOut==0 || !bw.opacity){ activePage.hideIt(); activateContinue(num); }
else if (transitionOut==1) activePage.blend('hidden', 'activateContinue('+num+')');
function activateContinue(num){
busy = 1;
activePage = pages[num];
if (transitionIn==0 || !bw.opacity){ activePage.showIt(); busy=0; }
else if (transitionIn==1) activePage.blend('visible', 'busy=0');
else if (transitionIn==2) activePage.slide(0, slideAcceleration, 40, 'busy=0');

scrollerobj.prototype.slide = function(target, acceleration, time, fn){
this.slideFn= fn?fn:null;
if (bw.ie4&&!bw.mac) this.css.filter = 'alpha(opacity=100)';
if (bw.ns6) this.css.MozOpacity = 1;
this.doSlide(target, acceleration, time);
scrollerobj.prototype.doSlide = function(target, acceleration, time){
this.step = Math.round(this.y*acceleration);
if (this.step<1) this.step = 1;
if (this.step>this.y) this.step = this.y;
this.moveBy(0, -this.step);
if (this.y>0) this.slideTim = setTimeout(this.obj+'.doSlide('+target+','+acceleration+','+time+')', time);
else {
this.slideFn = null;

scrollerobj.prototype.blend= function(vis, fn){
if (bw.ie5||bw.ie6 && !bw.mac) {
if (vis=='visible') this.css.filter= 'blendTrans(duration=0.9)';
else this.css.filter= 'blendTrans(duration=0.6)';
this.elm.onfilterchange = function(){ eval(fn); };
this.css.visibility= vis;
else if (bw.ns6 || bw.ie&&!bw.mac){
this.css.visibility= 'visible';
vis=='visible' ? this.fadeTo(100, 7, 40, fn) : this.fadeTo(0, 9, 40, fn);
else {
this.css.visibility= vis;

scrollerobj.prototype.op= 100;
scrollerobj.prototype.opacityTim= null;
scrollerobj.prototype.setOpacity= function(num){
this.css.filter= 'alpha(opacity='+num+')';
this.css.MozOpacity= num/100;
this.op= num;
scrollerobj.prototype.fadeTo= function(target, step, time, fn){
this.opacityFn= fn?fn:null;
this.op = target==100 ? 0 : 100;
this.fade(target, step, time);
scrollerobj.prototype.fade= function(target, step, time){
if (Math.abs(target-this.op)>step){
target>this.op? this.setOpacity(this.op+step):this.setOpacity(this.op-step);
this.opacityTim= setTimeout(this.obj+'.fade('+target+','+step+','+time+')', time);
else {
this.opacityFn= null;

var pageslidefadeLoaded = 0;
function initPageSlideFade(){
scroller1 = new scrollerobj('divScroller1');

pages = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<numScrollPages; i++){
pages[i] = new scrollerobj('dynPage'+i, 'divScroller1');
bw.opacity = ( bw.ie && !bw.ie4 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows')>-1 ) || bw.ns6
if (bw.ie5||bw.ie6 && !bw.mac) pages[0].css.filter= 'blendTrans(duration=0.6)'; // Preloads the windows filters.

if (transitionOnload) activateContinue(0);
activePage = pages[0];

if (bw.ie) for(var i=0;i<document.links.length;i++) document.links[i].onfocus=document.links[i].blur;
pageslidefadeLoaded = 1;
//if the browser is ok, the script is started onload..
if(bw.bw && !pageslidefadeLoaded) onload = initPageSlideFade;

<div id="divScroller1">

<div id="dynPage0" class="dynPage">
Здравствуйте извините но в данный момент нету последних новосте.
ТЕСТ текст:

05 14:25:03.937 GetVersion() 0a280105
05 14:25:03.937 GetVersionEx() 2 5.1.2600 [Service Pack 2]
05 14:50:15.484 GetVersion() 0a280105
05 14:50:15.484 GetVersionEx() 2 5.1.2600 [Service Pack 2]
05 14:50:29.671 (nicmgr) do_install(hamachi, C:\Documents and Settings5 14:50:33.125 (nicmgr) do_update(hamachi, C:\Documents and Settings5 14:51:02.656 (nicmgr) do_update 0
05 14:51:02.671 (nicmgr) do_install 0
05 14:51:04.375 (nicmgr) do_binding(hamachi, ms_psched, 0)
05 14:51:04.437 (nicmgr) name = ms_netbios
05 14:51:04.437 (nicmgr) name = ms_server
05 14:51:04.437 (nicmgr) name = ms_psched
05 14:51:04.687 (nicmgr) pncbp->Enable(0) 00000000
05 14:51:09.703 (nicmgr) pnc->Apply() 00000000
05 14:51:09.703 (nicmgr) rc = 0
05 14:51:10.031 (nicmgr) do_config(hamachi)
05 14:51:10.046 (nicmgr) get_bindname(hamachi)
05 14:51:10.734 (nicmgr) bindname = [{25AC45BE-E22E-4DA6-98EC-3E1DA0C95F7F}]
05 14:51:10.734 (nicmgr) RegSetValueEx(EnableDHCP) 0, 00000000
05 14:51:10.734 (nicmgr) RegSetValueEx(IPAutoconfigurationEnabled) 0, 000000b7
05 14:51:10.734 (nicmgr) RegSetValueEx(DisableDynamicUpdate) 0, 000000b7
05 14:51:10.937 (nicmgr) do_rename(hamachi, Hamachi)
05 14:51:10.937 (nicmgr) get_bindname(hamachi)
05 14:51:11.359 (nicmgr) bindname = [{25AC45BE-E22E-4DA6-98EC-3E1DA0C95F7F}]
05 14:51:12.968 (nicmgr) HrRenameConnection ok
05 14:51:12.968 (nicmgr) curName [05 14:51:16.687 (nicmgr) newName [Hamachi]
05 14:51:16.687 (nicmgr) RegSetValueEx() 0, 000000b7
05 14:51:16.890 (nicmgr) do_setprio(hamachi, 0)
05 14:51:16.937 (nicmgr) path 0
05 14:51:16.937 (nicmgr) hamachi
05 14:51:17.046 (nicmgr) MoveBefore 00000000
05 14:51:21.125 (nicmgr) pnc->Apply() 00000000
05 14:51:21.125 (nicmgr) rc = 0
</div><font color="#000000"></font>

<div id="dynPage1" class="dynPage">

<div id="dynPage2" class="dynPage">
Content, content content content content content content

<a href="#" onclick="transitionIn=transitionIn==2?1:2; return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">switch transitions</a>


<!-- You can set the speed of the scrolling in the onmouseover event handler. Set it in the onclick event handler too. -->
<!-- For highspeed scrolling, set the speed on the onmousedown event handler. Enjoy :) Ice -->
<div id="arrows">
<a href="#" onmouseover="scroll(6);" onclick="scroll(6); return false;" onmousedown="scroll(25)" onmouseout="stopScroll();"><img src="arrows_rounded_up.gif" width="20" height="17" alt="" border="0"></a>
<a href="#" onmouseover="scroll(-6);" onclick="scroll(-6); return false;" onmousedown="scroll(-25)" onmouseout="stopScroll();"><img src="arrows_rounded_down.gif" width="20" height="17" alt="" border="0"></a>

<!-- BODY END HERE -->

Спустя 16 дней, 9 часов, 45 минут, 21 секунда (20.11.2007 - 20:52) bars80080 написал(а):
#divScroller1 {position:absolute; overflow:hidden; z-index:9; left:100px; top:90px; width:400px; height:300px; clip:rect(0px, 385px, 300px, 0px); visbility:visible; border-width:1px 0px 0px 1px; border-color:#666666; border-style:dashed;}
здесь у тебя отступ сверху 90px, попробуй его убрать: top: 0px;
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