I'am italian web design and I have a problem with the russian language encoding.
I reiceve an XML via POST with this encoding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I can't read the content of tags write in cirillic.
I try to encode the string in UTF-8 but it doens't work ( utf8_encode($body) ) !
How can I encode well the content of this XML and insert in a database MYSQL in utf-8 table?
Thank you
Спустя 11 минут, 38 секунд (8.02.2011 - 16:49) linker написал(а):
My english is very bad (using promt.ru).
UTF-8 doesn't demand any conversion. Add the data as is. Write here an example.
UTF-8 doesn't demand any conversion. Add the data as is. Write here an example.
Спустя 6 минут, 37 секунд (8.02.2011 - 16:55) carachi написал(а):
Thank you linker.
I receive something like this:
How can I read this body?
What kind of encode can I use?
Thank you
I receive something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="KOI8-R"?>
<status date="2011-02-04 11:06:00"/>
<body content-type="text/plain">BA2 фЕУФПЧПЕ УППВЭЕОЙЕ</body></message>
How can I read this body?
What kind of encode can I use?
Thank you
Спустя 35 минут, 53 секунды (8.02.2011 - 17:31) linker написал(а):
Each value can be converted
$value = iconv("KOI8-R", "UTF-8", $value);Information and more examples http://ru2.php.net/manual/en/function.iconv.php
Спустя 50 минут, 32 секунды (8.02.2011 - 18:22) carachi написал(а):
now i try
thank you
thank you