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Полная Версия: Masking Script - проблемма в ФФ и Опере
Всем доброй ночи. Помогите пожалуйста рещить проблемму, над которой бьюсь уже далеко не первый час (>20). Мысли кончились, терпение тоже. Скоро буду клавиатурой избивать монитор wink.gif

Итак маленькое вступление и описание проблеммы.
Имееться скрипт для маски даты, телефона, времени и т.д., который не даёт пользователю вводить данные отличные от маски.

В чём проблемма? В ИЕ проблемм и нареканий не возникает. В ФФ и Опере (даже последних версиях) возникает проблемма с вводом даты: если быстро нажимать клавиши (а точнее нажать клавишу не отпуская другую) вместо цифры поле возникает aN.

Насколько я понимаю эта проблемма возникает при конвертации числового кода клавиши: NaN (Not-a-number).
Последующие ковыряния в эту сторону не дали результата...

Но... Если отлавливать события по OnKeyDown, вместо OnKeyUP проблемма исчезает. Но тогда возникает проблемма несоответствия маски (количество дозволеных символов +1, дозволены буквы в цифровых полях).

Помогите решить данную проблемму. Как я понимаю путей 2. Пойдет любой РАБОЧИЙ.

Заранее огромное спасибо всем!

function _MaskAPI(){
    this.version = "0.4a";
    this.instances = 0;
    this.objects = {};
MaskAPI = new _MaskAPI();

function Mask(m, t){
    this.mask = m;
    this.type = (typeof t == "string") ? t : "string";
    this.error = [];
    this.errorCodes = [];
    this.value = "";
    this.strippedValue = "";
    this.allowPartial = false;
    this.id = MaskAPI.instances++;
    this.ref = "MaskAPI.objects['" + this.id + "']";
    MaskAPI.objects[this.id] = this;

// define the attach(oElement) function
Mask.prototype.attach = function (o){
    $addEvent(o, "onkeydown", "return " + this.ref + ".isAllowKeyPress(event, this);", true);
    $addEvent(o, "onkeyup", "return " + this.ref + ".getKeyPress(event, this);", true);
    $addEvent(o, "onblur", "this.value = " + this.ref + ".format(this.value);", true);

Mask.prototype.isAllowKeyPress = function (e, o){
    if( this.type != "string" ) return true;
    var xe = new qEvent(e);

    if( ((xe.keyCode > 47) && (o.value.length >= this.mask.length)) && !xe.ctrlKey ) return false;
    return true;

Mask.prototype.getKeyPress = function (e, o, _u){
    var xe = new qEvent(e);
    this.allowPartial = true;

    var k = String.fromCharCode(xe.keyCode);
    if( (xe.keyCode > 47) || (_u == true) || (xe.keyCode == 8 || xe.keyCode == 46)){
        var v = o.value, d;
        if( xe.keyCode == 8 || xe.keyCode == 46 ) d = true;
        else d = false

        if( this.type == "number" ) this.value = this.setNumber(v, d);
        else if( this.type == "date" ) this.value = this.setDateKeyPress(v, d);
        else if( this.type == "time" ) this.value = this.setTimeKeyPress(v, d);
        else this.value = this.setGeneric(v, d);

        o.value = this.value;
    /* */

    this.allowPartial = false;

    return true;

Mask.prototype.format = function (s){
    if( this.type == "number" ) this.value = this.setNumber(s);
    else if( this.type == "date" ) this.value = this.setDate(s);
    else if( this.type == "time" ) this.value = this.setTime(s);
    else this.value = this.setGeneric(s);
    return this.value;

Mask.prototype.throwError = function (c, e, v){
    this.error[this.error.length] = e;
    this.errorCodes[this.errorCodes.length] = c;
    if( typeof v == "string" ) return v;
    return true;

Mask.prototype.setGeneric = function (_v, _d){
    var v = _v, m = this.mask;
    var r = "x#*", rt = [], nv = "", t, x, a = [], j=0, rx = {"x": "A-Za-z", "#": "0-9", "*": "A-Za-z0-9" };

    // strip out invalid characters
    v = v.replace(new RegExp("[^" + rx["*"] + "]", "gi"), "");
    if( (_d == true) && (v.length == this.strippedValue.length) ) v = v.substring(0, v.length-1);
    this.strippedValue = v;
    var b=[];
    for( var i=0; i < m.length; i++ ){
        // grab the current character
        x = m.charAt(i);
        // check to see if current character is a mask, escape commands are not a mask character
        t = (r.indexOf(x) > -1);
        // if the current character is an escape command, then grab the next character
        if( x == "!" ) x = m.charAt(i++);
        // build a regex to test against
        if( (t && !this.allowPartial) || (t && this.allowPartial && (rt.length < v.length)) ) rt[rt.length] = "[" + rx[x] + "]";
        // build mask definition table
        a[a.length] = { "chr": x, "mask": t };

    var hasOneValidChar = false;
    // if the regex fails, return an error
    if( !this.allowPartial && !(new RegExp(rt.join(""))).test(v) ) return this.throwError(1, "The value \"" + _v + "\" must be in the format " + this.mask + ".", _v);
    // loop through the mask definition, and build the formatted string
    else if( (this.allowPartial && (v.length > 0)) || !this.allowPartial ){
        for( i=0; i < a.length; i++ ){
            if( a[i].mask ){
                while( v.length > 0 && !(new RegExp(rt[j])).test(v.charAt(j)) ) v = (v.length == 1) ? "" : v.substring(1);
                if( v.length > 0 ){
                    nv += v.charAt(j);
                    hasOneValidChar = true;
            } else nv += a[i].chr;
            if( this.allowPartial && (j > v.length) ) break;
    if( this.allowPartial && !hasOneValidChar ) nv = "";
    if( this.allowPartial ){
        if( nv.length < a.length ) this.nextValidChar = rx[a[nv.length].chr];
        else this.nextValidChar = null;

    return nv;

Mask.prototype.setNumber = function(_v, _d){
    var v = String(_v).replace(/[^\d.-]*/gi, ""), m = this.mask;
    // make sure there's only one decimal point
    v = v.replace(/\./, "d").replace(/\./g, "").replace(/d/, ".");

    // check to see if an invalid mask operation has been entered
    if( !/^[\$]?((\$?[\+-]?([0#]{1,3},)?[0#]*(\.[0#]*)?)|([\+-]?\([\+-]?([0#]{1,3},)?[0#]*(\.[0#]*)?\)))$/.test(m) )
        return this.throwError(1, "An invalid mask was specified for the \nMask constructor.", _v);

    if( (_d == true) && (v.length == this.strippedValue.length) ) v = v.substring(0, v.length-1);

    if( this.allowPartial && (v.replace(/[^0-9]/, "").length == 0) ) return v;
    this.strippedValue = v;

    if( v.length == 0 ) v = NaN;
    var vn = Number(v);
    if( isNaN(vn) ) return this.throwError(2, "The value entered was not a number.", _v);

    // if no mask, stop processing
    if( m.length == 0 ) return v;

    // get the value before the decimal point
    var vi = String(Math.abs((v.indexOf(".") > -1 ) ? v.split(".")[0] : v));
    // get the value after the decimal point
    var vd = (v.indexOf(".") > -1) ? v.split(".")[1] : "";
    var _vd = vd;

    var isNegative = (vn != 0 && Math.abs(vn)*-1 == vn);

    // check for masking operations
    var show = {
        "$" : /^[\$]/.test(m),
        "(": (isNegative && (m.indexOf("(") > -1)),
        "+" : ( (m.indexOf("+") != -1) && !isNegative )
    show["-"] = (isNegative && (!show["("] || (m.indexOf("-") != -1)));

    // replace all non-place holders from the mask
    m = m.replace(/[^#0.,]*/gi, "");

        make sure there are the correct number of decimal places
    // get number of digits after decimal point in mask
    var dm = (m.indexOf(".") > -1 ) ? m.split(".")[1] : "";
    if( dm.length == 0 ){
        vi = String(Math.round(Number(vi)));
        vd = "";
    } else {
        // find the last zero, which indicates the minimum number
        // of decimal places to show
        var md = dm.lastIndexOf("0")+1;
        // if the number of decimal places is greater than the mask, then round off
        if( vd.length > dm.length ) vd = String(Math.round(Number(vd.substring(0, dm.length + 1))/10));
        // otherwise, pad the string w/the required zeros
        else while( vd.length < md ) vd += "0";

        pad the int with any necessary zeros
    // get number of digits before decimal point in mask
    var im = (m.indexOf(".") > -1 ) ? m.split(".")[0] : m;
    im = im.replace(/[^0#]+/gi, "");
    // find the first zero, which indicates the minimum length
    // that the value must be padded w/zeros
    var mv = im.indexOf("0")+1;
    // if there is a zero found, make sure it's padded
    if( mv > 0 ){
        mv = im.length - mv + 1;
        while( vi.length < mv ) vi = "0" + vi;

        check to see if we need commas in the thousands place holder
    if( /[#0]+,[#0]{3}/.test(m) ){
        // add the commas as the place holder
        var x = [], i=0, n=Number(vi);
        while( n > 999 ){
            x[i] = "00" + String(n%1000);
            x[i] = x[i].substring(x[i].length - 3);
            n = Math.floor(n/1000);
        x[i] = String(n%1000);
        vi = x.reverse().join(",");

        combine the new value together
    if( (vd.length > 0 && !this.allowPartial) || ((dm.length > 0) && this.allowPartial && (v.indexOf(".") > -1) && (_vd.length >= vd.length)) ){
        v = vi + "." + vd;
    } else if( (dm.length > 0) && this.allowPartial && (v.indexOf(".") > -1) && (_vd.length < vd.length) ){
        v = vi + "." + _vd;
    } else {
        v = vi;

    if( show["$"] ) v = this.mask.replace(/(^[\$])(.+)/gi, "$") + v;
    if( show["+"] ) v = "+" + v;
    if( show["-"] ) v = "-" + v;
    if( show["("] ) v = "(" + v + ")";
    return v;

Mask.prototype.setDate = function (_v){
    var v = _v, m = this.mask;
    var a, e, mm, dd, yy, x, s;

    // split mask into array, to see position of each day, month & year
    a = m.split(/[^mdy]+/);
    // split mask into array, to get delimiters
    s = m.split(/[mdy]+/);
    // convert the string into an array in which digits are together
    e = v.split(/[^0-9]/);
    if( s[0].length == 0 ) s.splice(0, 1);

    for( var i=0; i < a.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "m" ) mm = parseInt(e[i], 10)-1;
        else if( x == "d" ) dd = parseInt(e[i], 10);
        else if( x == "y" ) yy = parseInt(e[i], 10);

    // if year is abbreviated, guess at the year
    if( String(yy).length < 3 ){
        yy = 2000 + yy;
        if( (new Date()).getFullYear()+20 < yy ) yy = yy - 100;

    // create date object
    var d = new Date(yy, mm, dd);

    if( d.getDate() != dd ) return this.throwError(1, "An invalid day was entered.", _v);
    else if( d.getMonth() != mm ) return this.throwError(2, "An invalid month was entered.", _v);

    var nv = "";

    for( i=0; i < a.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "m" ){
            if( a[i].length == 2 ){
                mm = "0" + mm;
                mm = mm.substring(mm.length-2);
            nv += mm;
        } else if( x == "d" ){
            if( a[i].length == 2 ){
                dd = "0" + dd;
                dd = dd.substring(dd.length-2);
            nv += dd;
        } else if( x == "y" ){
            if( a[i].length == 2 ) nv += d.getYear();
            else nv += d.getFullYear();

        if( i < a.length-1 ) nv += s[i];

    return nv;

Mask.prototype.setTime = function (_v){
    var v = _v, m = this.mask;
    var a, e, hh, mm, ss, x, s;

    // split mask into array, to see position of each day, month & year
    a = m.split(/[^hms]+/);
    // split mask into array, to get delimiters
    s = m.split(/[hms]+/);
    // convert the string into an array in which digits are together
    e = v.split(/[^0-9]/);
    if( s[0].length == 0 ) s.splice(0, 1);

    for( var i=0; i < a.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "h" ) hh = parseInt(e[i], 10)-1;
        else if( x == "m" ) mm = parseInt(e[i], 10);
        else if( x == "s" ) ss = parseInt(e[i], 10);

    // create date object
    var d = new Date([hh, mm, ss]);

    if( d.getHours() != hh ) return this.throwError(1, "An invalid hours was entered.", _v);
    else if( d.getMinutes() != mm ) return this.throwError(2, "An invalid minutes was entered.", _v);
    else if( d.getSeconds() != ss ) return this.throwError(3, "An invalid seconds was entered.", _v);

    var nv = "";

    for( i=0; i < a.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "h" ){
            if( a[i].length == 2 ){
                hh = "0" + hh;
                hh = hh.substring(hh.length-2);
            nv += hh;
        } else if( x == "m" ){
            if( a[i].length == 2 ){
                mm = "0" + mm;
                mm = mm.substring(mm.length-2);
            nv += mm;
        } else if( x == "s" ){
            if( a[i].length == 2 ){
                ss = "0" + ss;
                ss = ss.substring(ss.length-2);
            nv += ss;
        if( i < a.length-1 ) nv += s[i];

    return nv;

Mask.prototype.setDateKeyPress = function (_v, _d){
    var v = _v, m = this.mask, k = v.charAt(v.length-1);
    var a, e, c, ml, vl, mm = "", dd = "", yy = "", x, p, z;
    if( _d == true ){
        while( (/[^0-9]/gi).test(v.charAt(v.length-1)) ) v = v.substring(0, v.length-1);
        if( (/[^0-9]/gi).test(this.strippedValue.charAt(this.strippedValue.length-1)) ) v = v.substring(0, v.length-1);
        if( v.length == 0 ) return "";

    // split mask into array, to see position of each day, month & year
    a = m.split(/[^mdy]/);
    // split mask into array, to get delimiters
    s = m.split(/[mdy]+/);
    // mozilla wants to add an empty array element which needs removed
    if( s[0].length == 0 ) s.splice(0,1);
    // convert the string into an array in which digits are together
    e = v.split(/[^0-9]/);
    // position in mask
    p = (e.length > 0) ? e.length-1 : 0;
    // determine what mask value the user is currently entering
    c = a[p].charAt(0);
    // determine the length of the current mask value
    ml = a[p].length;

    for( var i=0; i < e.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "m" ) mm = parseInt(e[i], 10)-1;
        else if( x == "d" ) dd = parseInt(e[i], 10);
        else if( x == "y" ) yy = parseInt(e[i], 10);

    var nv = "";
    var j=0;

    for( i=0; i < e.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "m" ){
            z = ((/[^0-9]/).test(k) && c == "m");
            if (mm>12) {mm=12};
            if( (e[i].length == 2 && mm < 10) || (a[i].length == 2 && c != "m") || (mm > 1 && c == "m") || (z && a[i].length == 2)){
                mm = "0" + mm;
                mm = mm.substring(mm.length-2);
            vl = String(mm).length;
            ml = 2;
            nv += mm;
        } else if( x == "d" ){
            z = ((/[^0-9]/).test(k) && c == "d");
            if (dd > 31) {dd=31};
            if( (e[i].length == 2 && dd < 10) || (a[i].length == 2 && c != "d") || (dd > 3 && c == "d") || (z && a[i].length == 2)){
                dd = "0" + dd;
                dd = dd.substring(dd.length-2);
            vl = String(dd).length;
            ml = 2;
            nv += dd;
        } else if( x == "y" ){
            z = ((/[^0-9]/).test(k) && c == "y");
            if( c == "y" ) yy = String(yy);
            else {
                if( a[i].length == 2 ) yy = d.getYear();
                else yy = d.getFullYear();
            if( (e[i].length == 2 && yy < 10) || (a[i].length == 2 && c != "y") || (z && a[i].length == 2) ){
                yy = "0" + yy;
                yy = yy.substring(yy.length-2);
            ml = a[i].length;
            vl = String(yy).length;
            nv += yy;

        if( ((ml == vl || z) && (x == c) && (i < s.length)) || (i < s.length && x != c ) ) nv += s[i];

    if( nv.length > m.length ) nv = nv.substring(0, m.length);

    this.strippedValue = (nv == "NaN") ? "" : nv;
    return this.strippedValue;

Mask.prototype.setTimeKeyPress = function (_v, _d){
        var v = _v, m = this.mask, k = v.charAt(v.length-1);
    var a, e, c, ml, vl, hh = "", mm = "", ss = "", x, p, z;
    if( _d == true ){
        while( (/[^0-9]/gi).test(v.charAt(v.length-1)) ) v = v.substring(0, v.length-1);
        if( (/[^0-9]/gi).test(this.strippedValue.charAt(this.strippedValue.length-1)) ) v = v.substring(0, v.length-1);
        if( v.length == 0 ) return "";

    // split mask into array, to see position of each day, month & year
    a = m.split(/[^hms]/);
    // split mask into array, to get delimiters
    s = m.split(/[hms]+/);
    // mozilla wants to amm an empty array element which needs removed
    if( s[0].length == 0 ) s.splice(0,1);
    // convert the string into an array in which digits are together
    e = v.split(/[^0-9]/);
    // position in mask
    p = (e.length > 0) ? e.length-1 : 0;
    // determine what mask value the user is currently entering
    c = a[p].charAt(0);
    // determine the length of the current mask value
    ml = a[p].length;

    for( var i=0; i < e.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "h" ) hh = parseInt(e[i], 10)-1;
        else if( x == "m" ) mm = parseInt(e[i], 10);
        else if( x == "s" ) ss = parseInt(e[i], 10);

    var nv = "";
    var j=0;

    for( i=0; i < e.length; i++ ){
        x = a[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase();
        if( x == "h" ){
            z = ((/[^0-9]/).test(k) && c == "h");
            if (hh>23) {hh=23};
            if( (e[i].length == 2 && hh < 20) || (a[i].length == 2 && c != "h") || (hh > 2 && c == "h") || (z && a[i].length == 2)){
                hh = "0" + hh;
                hh = hh.substring(hh.length-2);
            vl = String(hh).length;
            ml = 2;
            nv += hh;
        } else if( x == "m" ){
            z = ((/[^0-9]/).test(k) && c == "m");
            if (mm>59) {mm=59};
            if( (e[i].length == 2 && mm < 60) || (a[i].length == 2 && c != "m") || (mm > 5 && c == "m") || (z && a[i].length == 2)){
                mm = "0" + mm;
                mm = mm.substring(mm.length-2);
            vl = String(mm).length;
            ml = 2;
            nv += mm;
        } else if( x == "s" ){
            z = ((/[^0-9]/).test(k) && c == "s");
            if (ss>59) {ss=59};
            if( (e[i].length == 2 && ss < 60) || (a[i].length == 2 && c != "y")|| (mm > 5 && c == "m") || (z && a[i].length == 2) ){
                ss = "0" + ss;
                ss = ss.substring(ss.length-2);
            vl = String(ss).length;
            ml = 2;
            nv += ss;

        if( ((ml == vl || z) && (x == c) && (i < s.length)) || (i < s.length && x != c ) ) nv += s[i];

    if( nv.length > m.length ) nv = nv.substring(0, m.length);

    this.strippedValue = (nv == "NaN") ? "" : nv;
    return this.strippedValue;

function qEvent(e){
    // routine for NS, Opera, etc DOM browsers
    if( window.Event ){
        var isKeyPress = (e.type.substring(0,3) == "key");

        this.keyCode = (isKeyPress) ? parseInt(e.which, 10) : 0;
        this.button = (!isKeyPress) ? parseInt(e.which, 10) : 0;
        this.srcElement = e.target;
        this.type = e.type;
        this.x = e.pageX;
        this.y = e.pageY;
        this.screenX = e.screenX;
        this.screenY = e.screenY;
        if( document.layers ){
            this.altKey = ((e.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK) > 0);
            this.ctrlKey = ((e.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) > 0);
            this.shiftKey = ((e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) > 0);
            this.keyCode = this.translateKeyCode(this.keyCode);
        } else {
            this.altKey = e.altKey;
            this.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey;
            this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
    // routine for Internet Explorer DOM browsers
    } else {
        e = window.event;
        this.keyCode = parseInt(e.keyCode, 10);
        this.button = e.button;
        this.srcElement = e.srcElement;
        this.type = e.type;
        if( document.all ){
            this.x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
            this.y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
        } else {
            this.x = e.clientX;
            this.y = e.clientY;
        this.screenX = e.screenX;
        this.screenY = e.screenY;
        this.altKey = e.altKey;
        this.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey;
        this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
    if( this.button == 0 ){
        this.keyChar = String.fromCharCode(this.keyCode);

// this method will try to remap the keycodes so the keycode value
// returned will be consistent. this doesn't work for all cases,
// since some browsers don't always return a unique value for a
// key press.
qEvent.prototype.translateKeyCode = function (i){
    var l = {};
    // remap NS4 keycodes to IE/W3C keycodes
    if( !!document.layers ){
        if( this.keyCode > 96 && this.keyCode < 123 ) return this.keyCode - 32;
        l = {
            "null": null
    return (!!l[i]) ? l[i] : i;

// try to determine the actual value of the key pressed
qEvent.prototype.setKP = function (i, s){
    this.keyPressedCode = i;
    this.keyNonChar = (typeof s == "string");
    this.keyPressed = (this.keyNonChar) ? s : String.fromCharCode(i);
    this.isNumeric = (parseInt(this.keyPressed, 10) == this.keyPressed);
    this.isAlpha = ((this.keyCode > 64 && this.keyCode < 91) && !this.altKey && !this.ctrlKey);
    return true;

// try to determine the actual value of the key pressed
qEvent.prototype.setKeyPressed = function (i){
    var b = this.shiftKey;
    if( !b && (i > 64 && i < 91) ) return this.setKP(i + 32);
    if( i > 95 && i < 106 ) return this.setKP(i - 48);
    switch( i ){
        case 49: case 51: case 52: case 53: if( b ) i = i - 16; break;
        case 50: if( b ) i = 64; break;
        case 54: if( b ) i = 94; break;
        case 55: if( b ) i = 38; break;
        case 56: if( b ) i = 42; break;
        case 57: if( b ) i = 40; break;
        case 48: if( b ) i = 41; break;
        case 192: if( b ) i = 126; else i = 96; break;
        case 189: if( b ) i = 95; else i = 45; break;
        case 187: if( b ) i = 43; else i = 61; break;
        case 220: if( b ) i = 124; else i = 92; break;
        case 221: if( b ) i = 125; else i = 93; break;
        case 219: if( b ) i = 123; else i = 91; break;
        case 222: if( b ) i = 34; else i = 39; break;
        case 186: if( b ) i = 58; else i = 59; break;
        case 191: if( b ) i = 63; else i = 47; break;
        case 190: if( b ) i = 62; else i = 46; break;
        case 188: if( b ) i = 60; else i = 44; break;

        case 106: case 57379: i = 42; break;
        case 107: case 57380: i = 43; break;
        case 109: case 57381: i = 45; break;
        case 110: i = 46; break;
        case 111: case 57378: i = 47; break;

        case 8: return this.setKP(i, "[backspace]");
        case 9: return this.setKP(i, "[tab]");
        case 13: return this.setKP(i, "[enter]");
        case 16: case 57389: return this.setKP(i, "[shift]");
        case 17: case 57390: return this.setKP(i, "[ctrl]");
        case 18: case 57388: return this.setKP(i, "[alt]");
        case 19: case 57402: return this.setKP(i, "[break]");
        case 20: return this.setKP(i, "[capslock]");
        case 32: return this.setKP(i, "[space]");
        case 91: return this.setKP(i, "[windows]");
        case 93: return this.setKP(i, "[properties]");

        case 33: case 57371: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[pgup]");
        case 34: case 57372: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[pgdown]");
        case 35: case 57370: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[end]");
        case 36: case 57369: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[home]");
        case 37: case 57375: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[left]");
        case 38: case 57373: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[up]");
        case 39: case 57376: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[right]");
        case 40: case 57374: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[down]");
        case 45: case 57382: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[insert]");
        case 46: case 57383: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[delete]");
        case 144: case 57400: return this.setKP(i*-1, "[numlock]");
    if( i > 111 && i < 124 ) return this.setKP(i*-1, "[f" + (i-111) + "]");

    return this.setKP(i);

// define the addEvent(oElement, sEvent, sCmd, bAppend) function
function $addEvent(o, _e, c, _b){
    var e = _e.toLowerCase(), b = (typeof _b == "boolean") ? _b : true, x = (o[e]) ? o[e].toString() : "";
    // strip out the body of the function
    x = x.substring(x.indexOf("{")+1, x.lastIndexOf("}"));
    x = ((b) ? (x + c) : (c + x)) + "\n";
    return o[e] = (!!window.Event) ? new Function("event", x) : new Function(x);


  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  &lt;script language="JavaScript1.2" src="/cfide/scripts/wddx.js"></script>
  &lt;script language="JavaScript1.2" src="./masks.js"></script>

  &lt;script language="JavaScript1.2">
  var bShowTests = true;
  var oResults = {
    "browser": {
      "userAgent": navigator.userAgent,
      "appName": navigator.appName,
      "appVersion": navigator.appVersion,
      "appCodeName": navigator.appCodeName
    "string": [],
    "date": [],
    "time": [],
    "number": []
  function writeOutput(v){
    document.write(v + "<br />");
  function updateResults(m, v, e){
    if( m.value != e ){
      var i = oResults[m.type].length;
      oResults[m.type][i] = {
        "supplied": v,
        "value": m.value,
        "expected": e,
        "error": m.error.join("|"),
        "mask": m.mask
  function postResults(){
    if( oResults.string.length + oResults.date.length + oResults.number.length == 0 ) return alert("No errors to report!");
    // form object
    var oForm = document.frmReport;
    // create serializer object
    var oSerializer = new WddxSerializer();
    // serialize WDDX packet
    oForm.wddx.value = oSerializer.serialize(oResults);

  function stringTest(v, m, e){
    if( !bShowTests ) return false;
    var oMask = new Mask(m);
    writeOutput("<b>mask:</b> "  + m);
    writeOutput("<b>string:</b> " + v);
    var n = oMask.format(v);
    if( e != n ) document.write("<font color=red>");
    writeOutput("<b>result:</b> " + n);
    writeOutput("<b>expected:</b> " + e);
    if( e != n ) document.write("</font>");
    writeOutput("<b>error:</b> " + ((oMask.error.length == 0) ? "n/a" : oMask.error.join("<br>")));
    updateResults(oMask, v, e);

  function numberTest(v, m, e){
    if( !bShowTests ) return false;
    var oMask = new Mask(m, "number");

    writeOutput("<b>mask:</b> "  + m);
    writeOutput("<b>string:</b> " + v);
    var n = oMask.format(v);
    if( e != n ) document.write("<font color=red>");
    writeOutput("<b>result:</b> " + n);
    writeOutput("<b>expected:</b> " + e);
    if( e != n ) document.write("</font>");
    writeOutput("<b>error:</b> " + ((oMask.error.length == 0) ? "n/a" : oMask.error.join("<br>")));
    updateResults(oMask, v, e);

  function dateTest(v, m, e){
    if( !bShowTests ) return false;
    var oMask = new Mask(m, "date");

    writeOutput("<b>mask:</b> "  + m);
    writeOutput("<b>string:</b> " + v);
    var n = oMask.format(v);
    if( e != n ) document.write("<font color=red>");
    writeOutput("<b>result:</b> " + n);
    writeOutput("<b>expected:</b> " + e);
    if( e != n ) document.write("</font>");
    writeOutput("<b>error:</b> " + ((oMask.error.length == 0) ? "n/a" : oMask.error.join("<br>")));
    updateResults(oMask, v, e);

  function init(){

    oStringMask = new Mask("(###) ###-####");

    oDateMask = new Mask("mm/dd/yyyy", "date");

    oTimeMask = new Mask("hh:mm:ss", "time");

    oNumberMask = new Mask("$#,###.00", "number");
<body onload="init();">

  Mask JavaScript API

  This is the test script for the Mask JSAPI library. Please
  use this page to test different mask formatting commands
  and please report any errors to
  <a href="mailto:dswitzer@pengo

Спустя 2 месяца, 16 дней, 16 часов, 39 минут, 40 секунд (15.08.2007 - 10:36) Ghirik написал(а):
Ну кто же будет за спасибо в этом разбираться?
Вы бы вычленили проблемный кусок, тогда может кто и поможет....
Быстрый ответ:

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