Żņī ķåįīėüųą’ ģīäčōčźąöč’ źīņīšą’ ļīēāīėčņ Āąģ ļšīāåš’ņü āńåõ ļīėüēīāąņåėåé źīņīšūå šåćčńņščšóžņń’ ļī įąēå stopforumspam.com ķą ļščķąäėåęķīńņü ź ńåņč ńļąģ-įīņīā č īņńåčāąņü ņąźčģ īįšąēīģ ńļąģåšīā åłå ķą żņąļå šåćčńņšąöčč. Ģīä ī÷åķü żōōåźņčāåķ č ķčźąź ķå īņ’ćīłąåņ ļšīöåńń šåćčńņšąöčč ļīėüēīāąņåėåé!
Åńņü API (XML): äė’ īķėąéķ ļšīāåšźč ļī ēąļšīńó
http://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/PHP |
<?php function checkSpambots($mail,$ip,$name){ $spambot = false; //put the main domains in the array $main_domains = array('mail.ru','bigmir.net'); //check the e-mail adress $xml_string = file_get_contents('http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?email='.$mail); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_string); if($xml->appears == 'yes'){ $spambot = true; }elseif($spambot != true){ //e-mail not found in the database, now check the ip $xml_string = file_get_contents('http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?ip='.$ip); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_string); if($xml->appears == 'yes'){ $spambot = true; } } //check the main domains if there is still no spammer found, you can add more if you want in the $main_domains array if($spambot != true){ for($i = 0; $i < count($main_domains); $i++){ if(ereg($main_domains[$i],$mail) == 1){ $spambot = true; } } } // create an .txt file with the info of the spambot, if this one already exists, increase its amount of try's if($spambot == true){ if(file_exists('spambots/'.$mail.'.txt')){ $spambot_old_info = file_get_contents('spambots/'.$mail.'.txt'); $spambot_old_info = explode(',',$spambot_old_info); $spambot_old_info[2] = $spambot_old_info[2]+1; $spambot_old_info = implode(',',$spambot_old_info); file_put_contents('spambots/'.$mail.'.txt',$spambot_old_info); }else{ $spambot_info = $ip.','.$name.',1'; file_put_contents('spambots/'.$mail.'.txt',$spambot_info); } } return $spambot; } if($_POST['submit']){ $spambot = checkSpambots($_POST['email'],$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],$_POST['name']); if($spambot == true){ echo "You are a spambot!"; //We found a spambot! call 911!!! }else{ echo "Nope, not a spambot."; //he can register as usual } } ?> <form method='post'> Name: <input type='text' name='name'><br> E-mail: <input type='text' name='email'><br& |